Strange Fits of Passion Test | Final Test - Easy

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Strange Fits of Passion Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to Mary when she goes to the bonfire in St. Hilaire?
(a) Cuts her foot.
(b) Gets knocked over when boys are fighting.
(c) Gets food poisining.
(d) Faints.

2. What does Mary say she saw when she looks out the window of her cottage after shooting Harold?
(a) Airplane.
(b) Green-and-white boat.
(c) Debris flying in the wind.
(d) Sea gulls.

3. What is the weather like several days after the bonfire when Mary opens the bathroom window of the cottage?
(a) Sunny.
(b) Rainy.
(c) Foggy.
(d) Snowy.

4. What does Harrold say he will do if Mary comes home with him when he is in her cottage kitchen?
(a) Let her mother live with them.
(b) See a therapist.
(c) Let her go to work again.
(d) Stop drinking.

5. What is the name of Jack's daughter?
(a) Sarah.
(b) Stephanie.
(c) Lisa.
(d) Emily.

6. What year of college did Jack have to leave school to go home to help his father with the lobstering?
(a) Sophomore year.
(b) Junior year.
(c) Freshman year.
(d) Senior year.

7. What does Harrold take from the refrigerator when he says he is hungry in the cottage kitchen?
(a) Chili.
(b) Chicken.
(c) Macroni and cheese.
(d) Steak.

8. What does Julia tell Helen she is sorry about?
(a) That she didn't have any children.
(b) That Mary killed Harrold.
(c) That Helen is asking so many questions.
(d) That the weather is so cold.

9. What kind of scholarship did Jack go to college on?
(a) Track.
(b) Baseball.
(c) Wrestling.
(d) Football.

10. What does Harrold use to threaten Mary's life when he is at the cottage?
(a) Fork.
(b) Gun.
(c) Knife.
(d) Razor.

11. What is the name of the doctor at the clinic in Machias?
(a) Dr. Smith.
(b) Dr. Posner.
(c) Dr. James.
(d) Dr. Walker.

12. How long does Willis say that Jack will keep his boat in the water?
(a) The first week of December.
(b) Early February.
(c) Late January.
(d) Until after Christmas.

13. Why does Mary want to give Caroline aspirin on the night she can't settle the baby down and decides to go for a walk when she is at the cottage?
(a) She has a sore throat.
(b) She is teething.
(c) She hurt her hand.
(d) She has a cold.

14. How old is Jack's daughter when Mary first sees her at the St. Hilaire bonfire?
(a) Baby.
(b) Toddler.
(c) Elementary school aged.
(d) Teenager.

15. What does Jack help Mary fix on her car?
(a) Broken windshield.
(b) Stuck antenna.
(c) Flat tire.
(d) Rusted paint.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who took care of Caroline while Mary is in prison?

2. What does Julia have to swear under oath that Mary told her were the cause of her bruises when she first arrived in St. Hilaire?

3. What is Jack wearing when he comes to Caroline's cottage the day she shoots Harrold?

4. What sound takes Julia by surprise when she is in her house and talking with Helen after Mary's first trial?

5. When does Julia clean and polish her floors?

(see the answer keys)

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