Strange Fits of Passion Test | Final Test - Easy

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Strange Fits of Passion Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of Mary's defense lawyer for her trial?
(a) Jim Booth.
(b) Steven Richards.
(c) Sam Cotton.
(d) Lester Owens.

2. Who does Jack call for help after Mary shoots Harrold?
(a) Machias police.
(b) 911.
(c) Everett.
(d) Julia.

3. What does Mary say Caroline is allergic to when she is at the clinic with Jack?
(a) Peanut butter.
(b) Cough syrup.
(c) Antibiotics.
(d) Cow's milk.

4. What is the weather like several days after the bonfire when Mary opens the bathroom window of the cottage?
(a) Foggy.
(b) Rainy.
(c) Snowy.
(d) Sunny.

5. When Mary is on Jack's boat, what does she find under a towel in a cabinet?
(a) Money.
(b) Gun.
(c) Photographs.
(d) Binoculars.

6. When does Julia clean and polish her floors?
(a) Noontime.
(b) Early in the morning.
(c) Mid-afternoon.
(d) Late at night.

7. What does Mary like to do each morning at the cottage after she has made herself a cup of coffee?
(a) Watch the colors of the water change as the day begins.
(b) Write.
(c) Laundry.
(d) Read.

8. What is the result of the first trial in Mary's murder case?
(a) Mistrial because of an error in proceedings.
(b) Mary was acquitted.
(c) Mary was found guilty.
(d) Hung jury because the jury cannot agree on a verdict.

9. How long does Willis say that Jack will keep his boat in the water?
(a) The first week of December.
(b) Until after Christmas.
(c) Late January.
(d) Early February.

10. Who comes to the cottage when Mary is aiming the gun at Harrold?
(a) Julia.
(b) Jack.
(c) Everett.
(d) Willis.

11. What holiday does the town of St. Hilaire celebrate with a bonfire?
(a) Christmas Eve.
(b) Christmas Day.
(c) Valentine's Day.
(d) New Year's Day.

12. What is Jack wearing when he comes to Caroline's cottage the day she shoots Harrold?
(a) Black down jacket.
(b) Denim jacket.
(c) Yellow slicker.
(d) Blue sweater.

13. Who invites Mary to the town bonfire?
(a) Librarian.
(b) Julia.
(c) Jack.
(d) Willis.

14. What does Harrold use to threaten Mary's life when he is at the cottage?
(a) Fork.
(b) Knife.
(c) Gun.
(d) Razor.

15. When does Mary call her mother each week?
(a) Thursday.
(b) Wednesday.
(c) Saturday.
(d) Monday.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many books does Mary purchase when she buys a clock radio in a large town?

2. How much money does Mary try to give Julia for the use of her phone the day after the bonfire?

3. What does Julia put in her tea the first time Mary visits and has tea with her?

4. Where does Mary call her mother from each week?

5. What is the name of the prison Mary is in?

(see the answer keys)

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