Strange Beasts of China Test | Final Test - Easy

Ge Yan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Strange Beasts of China Test | Final Test - Easy

Ge Yan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the place Methuselah runs called?
(a) The Hearth.
(b) The Throng.
(c) The Temple of the Antiquities.
(d) The Celuloid.

2. How did the narrator's mother die?
(a) A heart attack.
(b) A fire.
(c) A car accident.
(d) Cancer.

3. Which beasts have been extinct a long time?
(a) Returning beasts.
(b) Hellacious beasts.
(c) Indigent beasts.
(d) Thousand league beasts.

4. How big are the litters of female prime beasts, usually?
(a) Five or more.
(b) Fifteen or more.
(c) Two or three.
(d) Ten or more.

5. What does Zhong Kui tell the narrator when he first meets her?
(a) She is very beautiful.
(b) He has read her novels.
(c) He knew her mother.
(d) He is battling addiction.

6. What does the narrator find embedded in the object Zhong Ren leaves her?
(a) A pencil.
(b) His tongue.
(c) A diamond.
(d) His eye.

7. What are the gills of the prime beasts shaped like?
(a) Pears.
(b) Bamboo leaves.
(c) Anchors.
(d) Fish.

8. Who does Lucia want her heartsick beasts to look like?
(a) Her sister.
(b) Her friend.
(c) The narrator.
(d) Her mother.

9. What did the old heartsick beasts used to do when their masters passed away?
(a) Run into walls and die.
(b) Drowned themselves.
(c) Starved to death.
(d) Ate too much.

10. How does the narrator think of herself as she was when she first met the professor?
(a) As a shy, awkward girl.
(b) As a very brilliant student.
(c) As an extrovert.
(d) As a manipulative young woman.

11. Who does Methuselah show the narrator a picture of herself with?
(a) The narrator's husband.
(b) The narrator's sister.
(c) The narrator's best friend.
(d) The narrator's mother.

12. What does Zhong Liang give the narrator for Christmas?
(a) A diamond.
(b) Cake.
(c) A book.
(d) A basket of apples.

13. How does the narrator keep tabs on the person who is trying to find her in Part III while staying for awhile at a different place?
(a) On the television.
(b) Through letters.
(c) Through radio.
(d) In the stars.

14. What starts happening that scares society in Part IV?
(a) Drug addiction.
(b) Waves of violence.
(c) Bad headaches.
(d) Sleeping sickness.

15. Where do Prime beasts live?
(a) In caves.
(b) In the underworld.
(c) In lovely houses.
(d) Dispersed throughout Yong'An.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is a deterrent for buying heartsick beasts?

2. How do flourishing beasts die?

3. Who is the beast who forms an attachment to the narrator while she stays at a different place for awhile in Part III?

4. Who is the assistant on the dig revealing the thousand league beast's bones?

5. What kind of special tree does Methuselah have at the temple?

(see the answer keys)

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