Straight Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Straight Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is staff member Gracie upset about in Chapter 1 that leads to Hank's being driven home?

2. Why is one of Hank's daughters concerned about her mother going out of town for an interview?

3. The night after the news report is aired, Hank meets with Dickie Pope. What is Dickie's position at the college?

4. After the news report with Hank airs at the bar, Hank goes to his racquetball partner's house with him and the reporter. What happens there?

5. Why does this new center on campus bother Hank?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did Hank's mother make Hank promise to do if he got a dog? Why?

2. After visiting the duck pond, Hank heads to the cafeteria. Who does he meet there? What is Hank's history with this person? What do they talk about?

3. The morning after his news debut, Hank realizes the film has been shown on Good Morning, America, much to everyone's amusement. Hank heads to see Campbell Wheemer. What is Hank's nickname for Wheemer? Why does he call him that? How is Wheemer a contrast to Hank?

4. When Hank finally gets home, what is his daughter doing? What message does he find on his answering machine?

5. What is the narrator, Hank's, full name and what is his occupation? Where does he work?

6. After Hank leaves Bodie Pie's office, what does he notice is happening again?

7. What events transpired after the dog arrived at the Devereaux home?

8. After having lunch at the bowling alley, Hank goes to see his mother, but first visits with Mr. Purty. Who is Mr. Purty and what does he give Hank?

9. When Hank gets home from his visit to Julie, he has a conversation with Billy Quigley. What are Billy's characteristics and what is the conversation about?

10. What kinds of thoughts does Wheemer generate in Hank?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Why do you think Richard Russo included an Epilogue in "Straight Man"? (i.e., what do you think his intent was?) Give three reasons why you believe the Epilogue is an effective way to end the novel.

Essay Topic 2

Tone refers to the attitude of the narrator of a work. As the narrator of "Straight Man", what is the author's tone at different stages of the book? Explain the tone, with examples:

1) In the Prologue of Book One.

2) When he grabs Finny the Goose by the neck and holds him up for the television camera.

3) When he catches his son-in-law with Meg Quigley.

4) In the Epilogue.

Essay Topic 3

The setting refers to the time and the place where a story takes place. Compare and contrast the settings of "Straight Man" regarding time. How does it compare to the childhood he describes in the Epilogue to Book One? Cite at least three examples from the book where Russo discusses how the setting, in reference to time, has changed.

(see the answer keys)

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