Straight Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Straight Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As Hank leaves his mother outside the large Victorian house, what does he notice?
(a) The house is on fire.
(b) Gracie DuBois running toward him.
(c) He has an acute pain in his side.
(d) Several police cars have pulled up.

2. What possessions of Hank's father does Mr. Purty also bring back with him?
(a) His furniture.
(b) All of his books.
(c) His collection of over a hundred Tiffany lamps.
(d) His clothes.

3. Why is Hank upset with his mother about Mr. Purty picking up his father and his things?
(a) He thinks Mr. Purty is trying to rob his father.
(b) He just doesn't like Mr. Purty.
(c) He thinks his mother is taking advantage of Mr. Purty's good nature.
(d) He thinks Mr. Purty will steal his mother away from his father.

4. What part of this student's anatomy did Hank's father coo to as his knees buckled and he had to be helped down from the lectern?
(a) Her ear.
(b) Her chin.
(c) Her nose.
(d) Her knee.

5. What does Hank learn as the meeting below him comes to an end?
(a) That none of the professors will be getting vacation time.
(b) That he has been recalled as chairman by two-thirds of the vote.
(c) That he has been transferred to the Humanities department.
(d) That the dean has taken a job in Texas.

6. What is Hank surprised about, when he finally sees his father?
(a) How his father has aged.
(b) That is father is in a wheelchair.
(c) That his parents are in love again.
(d) That his father cannot read anymore.

7. What does Hank's mother make obvious to Hank after he almost runs her over?
(a) That she thought his television report was hilarious.
(b) That she thinks he killed the campus bird.
(c) That his father needs her care.
(d) That he better leave town.

8. After talking to his excited secretary, who appears at Hank's office door demanding to know if he killed the murdered bird?
(a) The mayor of the town.
(b) The dean.
(c) Dickie Pope.
(d) A television crew.

9. What is the name of Hank's doctor?
(a) Dr. Simpkins.
(b) Dr. Watson.
(c) Dr. Welby.
(d) Dr. Carter.

10. What did his father notice about his lecture as he went out into the university hallway?
(a) He could remember the beginning and end but not the middle.
(b) It didn't help at all.
(c) He could remember it all.
(d) That he remembered it, but it made no sense.

11. What young woman, at one time, thinks she is in love with Tony?
(a) Julie Barnes.
(b) Meg Quigley.
(c) Yolanda Ackles.
(d) Blair Rosen.

12. Who replaces Hank as chair of the English department?
(a) Jacob Rose.
(b) Paul Bourke.
(c) Tony Coniglia.
(d) Teddy Barnes.

13. At the end of Chapter 25, what does Hank find out about Jacob Rose and Gracie DuBois?
(a) That they are leaving the college.
(b) They are going to get married.
(c) That they have been plotting against him.
(d) That they are on the run from the law.

14. What does Hank's doctor tell him about his urinary problem?
(a) That it is probably a kidney stone.
(b) That it might be all in his head.
(c) That he needs surgery immediately.
(d) That he probably has a bladder infection.

15. Whose house does Hank go to the morning after his night in jail?
(a) His mother's.
(b) Tony's.
(c) Paul Bourke's.
(d) Billy Quigley's.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which university was William Henry Devereaux offered a position at, after he left his family?

2. What does Hank find out about Meg Quigley that surprises him?

3. In the Epilogue, Hank's other daughter is pregnant. Who is the father?

4. What city does Russell tell Hank that he has been offered a job in?

5. Where is the dead bird found on campus?

(see the answer keys)

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