Jack: Straight from the Gut Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jack: Straight from the Gut Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jack decide is the best way to differentiate GE from Japanese companies?
(a) He pays a senior female employee who speaks Japanese to be in an ad campaign.
(b) He promotes GE as the employer of choice for women.
(c) All the answers are correct.
(d) He appoints Anne Abaya to be head of the company's human resources in Japan.

2. What kind of business is Pet Project?
(a) A new plastic to make collapsible water dishes.
(b) Obedience training for all domestic animals.
(c) A guideline to determine how much plastic can safely be put into pet food.
(d) Pet health and life insurance.

3. Which medical equipment becomes the fastest selling CT scan, with a tube life of 500,000 scans?
(a) The Lightening Speed CT.
(b) Speed the Light CT.
(c) The LightSpeed CT.
(d) The Speed of Light CT.

4. Who transforms GE Capital from a purely financial business into a thriving business that uses deal-making for operational skills?
(a) Talent from GE's industrial business.
(b) Former college classmates of Jack's.
(c) Interns.
(d) Members of Elfun.

5. Which GE teams get projects improving every day performance in their current positions?
(a) Red Belt.
(b) Green Belt.
(c) Black Belt.
(d) Yellow Belt.

6. What is the outcome of GE's attempt to buy the company that complements GE in various areas?
(a) It goes through after much deliberation with share holders.
(b) It is blocked.
(c) Jack walks away from negotiations.
(d) It goes through easily.

7. How does Jack plan to select a successor that the board will unite behind?
(a) By asking the board nicely to support his successor.
(b) By creating new board positions.
(c) By adding himself to the board upon his retirement.
(d) By deeply involving the board in the selection process.

8. To whom does GE sell its investment banking firm?
(a) Paine-Webber.
(b) Chase, Manhattan.
(c) Carpenter-Welch.
(d) Kidder, Peabody.

9. What results in greater customer intimacy for GE?
(a) Financial services investments.
(b) Improved public relations.
(c) Medical investments.
(d) Technology investments.

10. Where is the meeting held in which Jack gave his farewell speech?
(a) Crotonville.
(b) Fairfield.
(c) Fairview.
(d) Boca Raton.

11. To which former U.S. president was Roger Ailes a political adviser?
(a) Gerald Ford.
(b) George W. Bush.
(c) George H.W. Bush.
(d) Ronald Regan.

12. Which business complements GE in various areas, but does not have products that directly overlap?
(a) British Airways.
(b) Honeywell.
(c) Samsung.
(d) Phillips.

13. If bureaucracy strangles, what does informality do?
(a) Liberates.
(b) Chokes.
(c) Also strangles.
(d) Runs away.

14. Which congressional act addresses PCB site cleanup?
(a) The Super Clean Act.
(b) The Superfund Act.
(c) The Cleanup Fund Act.
(d) The PCB Act.

15. What was the single biggest obstacle facing the television station now owned by GE?
(a) The spread of HDTV.
(b) The spread of satellite TV.
(c) The spread of reality show popularity.
(d) The spread of cable TV.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Jack reflects on things that worked for him as CEO, what tops his list?

2. How do local utility engineers use GE's power systems home pages?

3. What does Jack say that honesty and single agendas build?

4. As Jack expands GE into globalization, what happens to U.S. jobs and facilities?

5. Who sets the tone in a company and shares the best ideas and knowledge?

(see the answer keys)

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