Jack: Straight from the Gut Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jack: Straight from the Gut Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What setback keeps Jack from attending one of the two colleges of his choice?
(a) Rejection for an ROTC scholarship.
(b) Losing his ROTC scholarship to a friend.
(c) His mother begs him not to move far away.
(d) His mother's health.

2. What does GE implement to produce positive growth results and exceed the company's goal?
(a) New eco-friendly ideas.
(b) New energy saving light bulbs.
(c) Old-fashioned company picnics.
(d) Mind- and market-expanding.

3. What inspires Jack to pursue his Ph.D.?
(a) He gets full tuition paid by the ROTC.
(b) His wife's father wants his son-in-law to be a "doctor" of some sort.
(c) His wife.
(d) Not being able to find a job due to economic recession.

4. Who submits his resignation immediately after the announcement that Jack has been named CEO?
(a) Roy Johnson.
(b) Paolo Fresco.
(c) Bill Druckerman.
(d) Reg Jones.

5. Whose business management concepts does Jack use to support his ideas of good and bad business?
(a) Roy Johnson.
(b) Bill Druckerman.
(c) Peter Drucker.
(d) Reg Jones.

6. What is Jack's "Vitality Curve"?
(a) An employee evaluation system.
(b) A cool gym added to each factory.
(c) A pitch used by Jack at company softball games.
(d) An energy supplement Jack uses.

7. What is one business in his vice president's portfolio that Jack has no interest in at all?
(a) Medical plastics.
(b) Semiconductors.
(c) Wind turbines.
(d) Petroleum conservation.

8. Why does Jack's father encourage him to learn the game of golf?
(a) All the big shots play golf.
(b) It's less violent than hockey.
(c) It is his favorite sport.
(d) It's cheaper to play golf than hockey.

9. Who blows up one of GE's factories?
(a) Jack.
(b) Coplan.
(c) Drickerson.
(d) Gutoff.

10. Why does Jack get frustrated with the plastics inventors?
(a) They don't understand entrepreneurship.
(b) They don't get excited about innovation.
(c) All they think about his getting their products sold.
(d) They demand higher pay.

11. How does Jack illustrate his "No. 1 or No. 2, Fix, Sell or Close" strategy?
(a) With an inverted pyramid
(b) With a pyramid, top as the peak.
(c) With overlapping circles.
(d) With a time line.

12. In Chapter 13, when does GE deadline its goal to become a $100 billion company with $10 billion in profits?
(a) By 2000.
(b) By 2025.
(c) By 1990.
(d) By 1999.

13. Which organization started out as a group of elitists but opened its membership and transformed into a group of volunteers?
(a) Elfun.
(b) Unicef.
(c) Boy Scouts of America.
(d) United Way.

14. How does Jack lose his college scholarship funded by the country club?
(a) He insults a club member.
(b) He breaks a window with a golf club.
(c) He flirts with a member's wife.
(d) He shows up for work drunk.

15. How many years does Jack serve as CEO of General Electric?
(a) 20.
(b) 30.
(c) 10.
(d) 15.

Short Answer Questions

1. In which year was Jack appointed as CEO?

2. Which company originally used QMI?

3. Who instills management beliefs in Jack that include both competing and facing reality?

4. What does Jack call the phenomenon when usually strong, self-confident managers panic and lose confidence?

5. Why does Jack choose to build fitness centers in some facilities?

(see the answer keys)

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