Story of the Eye Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Story of the Eye Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the narrator compare the peeled bull testicles to?

2. How does the couple get Marcelle's attention?

3. Who kills the first bull of the fight?

4. What feeling does the narrator equate with the moment all three are as calm as death?

5. How would the narrator start again with Marcelle?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain how the author notes the change in Marcelle as he describes her actions when Simone and the narrator are freeing her from the sanitarium.

2. In Chapter 6, the author purposefully italicizes the words "wide eyes" and "white eggs". What is the significance of this?

3. Why does the narrator claim he does not care for "normal" pleasures, and why even dirty pleasures have become unsatisfying?

4. Describe the sexual fantasy of Simone and the narrator about Marcelle in Chapter 6.

5. Explain how the death of Granero occurs, and the result of his death in terms of his eye.

6. What are the three things that fascinate Simone about bullfights?

7. Based on the narrator's claims at the end of Chapter 6, what does the episode with eggs indicate about the future of the characters?

8. What does the confusion between the cardinal and the narrator on the part of Marcelle seem to show?

9. What does Marcelle seem to fear most at the end of Chapter 7, and what does the narrator realize this fear relates to?

10. Explain the author's comparison between his own life and the crow of a rooster.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

In Chapter 4, the narrator notes the curiosity that black-haired Simone wears a black garter belt and stockings, whereas blond Marcelle wears a white belt and stockings. This comparison, however, does far deeper than hair color and clothing choice. What is the author noting about the characters in this passage? Using the rest of the story, does this comparison hold true throughout the novel? Why or why not? What else can this comparison of light and darkness be used to represent? Why?

Essay Topic 2

The novel begins with the discovery of unusual sexual practices by two teenagers, and ends with the murder and mutilation of a priest for sexual gratification. Discuss, in detail, the journey of Simone and the narrator, and discuss the events which led to their downward spiral into murder. Be sure to include the involvement of parents, other associates, and the activities participated in.

Essay Topic 3

Sir Edmond is introduced as an additional character in the middle of the novel. His appearance lends an additional level of lewdness and insanity to the novel. Explain Sir Edmond's character in terms of his presence in the novel. What does his character lend to the storyline? What does his appearance do to the other characters? What is his role in the storyline? How does he serve to further the decline of the young couple?

(see the answer keys)

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