Story of the Eye Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Story of the Eye Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is one of the causes for the trio's irritation at the bullfight?
(a) They are too cold.
(b) They are hungry.
(c) They don't like the noise.
(d) They are sitting in the bright sun.

2. What does Simone do with the first bull testicle?
(a) She holds it in her hands.
(b) She throws it.
(c) She eats it.
(d) She places it in her vulva.

3. What does Sir Edmond do with the blond mannequin?
(a) Asks Simone to urinate on it.
(b) Asks Simone to stab it.
(c) Asks Simone to shoot it.
(d) Makes love to it.

4. What does Simone compare to urine?
(a) A fire.
(b) A gunshot.
(c) Plants.
(d) Lightening.

5. How is Granero.killed?
(a) He is stabbed through the head by the bull's horn.
(b) He is stabbed through the stomach by the bull's horn.
(c) He is stabbed through the heart by the bull's horn.
(d) He is stabbed through the leg by the bull's horn.

Short Answer Questions

1. What feeling does the narrator equate with the moment all three are as calm as death?

2. Who is supposed to dine with the trio following the bull fight?

3. What does the narrator do when the mother enters the bedroom?

4. With what does the narrator associate the moon?

5. What does the couple discuss concerning eggs at the beginning of Chapter 7?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain how the author notes the change in Marcelle as he describes her actions when Simone and the narrator are freeing her from the sanitarium.

2. Explain how the death of Granero occurs, and the result of his death in terms of his eye.

3. Why does the narrator claim he believes Simone urinates on the corpse of Marcelle?

4. Describe the scene in the pigsty in Chapter 9, and explain its significance.

5. Explain how Simone and the narrator travel to Spain undetected.

6. Discuss Simone's episode with the raw bull testicle. Include what happens when she first receives it, and the end result.

7. In Chapter 6, the author purposefully italicizes the words "wide eyes" and "white eggs". What is the significance of this?

8. What happens to Marcelle in Chapter 8, and why?

9. Explain the author's comparison between his own life and the crow of a rooster.

10. What tradition does Sir Edmond tell Simone of, and what is her response?

(see the answer keys)

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