Story of the Eye Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Story of the Eye Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the couple discuss concerning eggs at the beginning of Chapter 7?
(a) Nothing, as they never speak of their obsessions.
(b) Their beauty.
(c) Their sexual powers.
(d) Their similarity to eyes.

2. What does Simone compare to urine?
(a) A gunshot.
(b) Plants.
(c) A fire.
(d) Lightening.

3. What does Simone do following her violent spasms?
(a) Cuddles with the narrator.
(b) Stares into space.
(c) Cuddles with Sir Edmond.
(d) Falls asleep.

4. What is one of the causes for the trio's irritation at the bullfight?
(a) They are sitting in the bright sun.
(b) They are too cold.
(c) They don't like the noise.
(d) They are hungry.

5. What does the narrator compare the peeled bull testicles to?
(a) A hard boiled egg.
(b) The globe of an eye.
(c) The white of a cloud in the sky.
(d) A human testicle.

6. How does the couple travel to Spain?
(a) They steal a boat.
(b) They walk.
(c) They bribe a captain for a ride.
(d) They hide on a boat.

7. What does Sir Edmond tell Simone is a vile tradition of bullfighting?
(a) Toreadors eating the roasted eyeballs of a bull.
(b) Toreadors eating the roasted tongue of a bull.
(c) Toreadors eating the roasted ears.
(d) Toreadors eating the roasted testicles of a bull.

8. What does the couple fear will overtake Marcelle?
(a) Misery.
(b) Despondency.
(c) Frustration.
(d) Fear.

9. Where do the narrator and Simone make love at the bullfight?
(a) In the bull pen.
(b) In the arena.
(c) In the stands.
(d) In an outhouse.

10. What does the couple order from the cooks?
(a) Toast and eggs.
(b) Ham and eggs.
(c) Soft boiled eggs without the shell.
(d) Colored hard boiled eggs.

11. What does the narrator note Marcelle has become?
(a) A prisoner within her own mind.
(b) A physical representation of his and Simone's emotions.
(c) A recluse.
(d) A mental case.

12. Why does the couple stop their trip home the first time?
(a) They see an animal.
(b) The narrator is tired.
(c) Simone is shivering.
(d) They see an accident.

13. What sport does Simone grow to love?
(a) Football.
(b) Skiing.
(c) Bullfighting.
(d) Hiking.

14. What is Marcelle doing at the beginning of Chapter 8?
(a) Choking Simone.
(b) Kissing the narrator.
(c) Sleeping.
(d) Staring into space.

15. What does Simone do with the first bull testicle?
(a) She holds it in her hands.
(b) She throws it.
(c) She eats it.
(d) She places it in her vulva.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the narrator say about the time following Simone's accident?

2. Who delivers the eggs to the room?

3. Why does the narrator claim others see the world as decent?

4. What happens when the narrator first tries to kiss Marcelle?

5. What does the narrator do with Simone?

(see the answer keys)

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