Stormy Weather Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stormy Weather Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who comes to Augustine's and visits with Max after Max's return from Guadalajara?
(a) Augustine's ex-girlfriend.
(b) An FBI agent.
(c) Augustine.
(d) Jim Tile.

2. What has Skink discovered about Bonnie in Chapter 14?
(a) She has a desire for Skink.
(b) She is in love with Augustine.
(c) She wants Skink in jail.
(d) She hates her husband.

3. What is the first thing Skink asks Snapper once he is in the Jeep?
(a) What did Snapper do with Brenda's mother's ring?
(b) How long does Snapper want to live?
(c) How many people has Snapper killed?
(d) Where is Snapper taking them?

4. What does Max want to see happen to Skink?
(a) He wants to set him free.
(b) He wants to kill him.
(c) He wants Skink to help find the man who beat Brenda.
(d) He wants him to go to jail.

5. How does Avila find Snapper in Chapter 19?
(a) Through a prostitute.
(b) Avila runs into Edie.
(c) Avila knows about Tony's place.
(d) Avila roams the streets looking for Snapper.

6. Why doesn't Neria find out that Tony is dead when she calls the police?
(a) She hangs up before she gets her answer.
(b) The man behind her in line hangs up the phone.
(c) There is no record of Tony.
(d) The police don't know that he is dead.

7. What does Avila admit to Ira about his inspections at the trailer park?
(a) That he went but never looked at anything.
(b) That the straps were not made to withstand Florida sunshine.
(c) That he knew the augers were rotten but said nothing.
(d) That he never went to the park.

8. Who steals the license plate from the family's Camaro?
(a) Snapper.
(b) Avila.
(c) Edie.
(d) Hoodlums.

9. Besides Augustine, who arrives at the motel Paradise Palms before Snapper?
(a) Avila.
(b) More prostitutes.
(c) Jim Tile.
(d) The police.

10. What does Skink pull out of his pockets and line up at his feet when the boat approaches?
(a) Cigarettes.
(b) Toads.
(c) Flashlights.
(d) Potatoes.

11. Why couldn't Jim catch the Jeep of Snapper's that he was following?
(a) The roads are flooded.
(b) A group of monkeys stop traffic.
(c) Because of a slow moving family in a station wagon.
(d) His car breaks down.

12. How does Ira respond to Avila when Avila pleads for his life at the end of Chapter 15?
(a) He feeds him to chickens.
(b) Ira says, "I want you to die."
(c) Ira says, "You can live after you pay for my mother's death."
(d) He hits him over the head with a hammer.

13. What does Skink do with the money before he leaves Snapper for good?
(a) He gives it to Bonnie.
(b) He burns it.
(c) He throws it in the lake.
(d) He pees on it.

14. What happens to Skink after he hands Max over to Augustine?
(a) He leaves alone.
(b) He gets shot.
(c) He leaves with Augustine.
(d) He leaves with Bonnie.

15. Who does Augustine find when he gets back to Calusa Drive after getting the guns?
(a) Snapper.
(b) Edie.
(c) No one.
(d) Levon.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Max run from Clyde's hospital room?

2. What does Snapper steal from Brenda?

3. What does Snapper beat Bonnie with?

4. How does Avila get hurt in Chapter 18?

5. How is Avila saved from the crucifixion?

(see the answer keys)

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