Storming Heaven: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Denise Giardina
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Storming Heaven: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Denise Giardina
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do they get miners to the staging area?
(a) By ferryboat.
(b) By carriage.
(c) By train.
(d) On horseback.

2. What does Carrie do at breakfast the morning of the march?
(a) Cry.
(b) Change her mind about accompanying them.
(c) Vomit.
(d) Pass out.

3. Who will help get Rosa into the state hospital?
(a) Carrie.
(b) Rosa's daughter-in-law.
(c) Rosa's surviving son.
(d) Rosa's husband.

4. What happens between Rondal and Carrie while Rondal is at the Homeplace?
(a) They decide not to meet again.
(b) They fight and decide not to talk about unions anymore.
(c) They hatch a plan to save the union.
(d) They have sex.

5. Why does Carrie go to the schoolhouse?
(a) To protect the children.
(b) To set up a place for the men to eat and rest.
(c) To wait for casualties.
(d) To meet with the union bosses and Rondal.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Dr. Booker?

2. What has the U.S. President ordered the Army to do?

3. Where do Rondal, Carrie and Dr. Booker go?

4. What does Carrie agree to do with Albion?

5. What does Albion ask Carrie concerning her mood?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Carrie do after Albion is killed?

2. What does Rosa say about her children and what does Mario do after the explosion in the mine?

3. What does Carrie do after talking to Rondal, what does Albion tell her and what does she decide?

4. Where does Carrie go when the fighting begins and what does she tell Dr. Booker? What is his response?

5. How are Albion and Isom killed?

6. What do the miners do during the summer after the strike begins and why does Rondal have to leave?

7. What happens after three days of fighting and to what does Talcott compare the fighting?

8. What do Rondal and Carrie hear about what is happening in the mining camps?

9. What do Carrie and Albion do after marrying?

10. Why is Carrie relieved about the mine explosion and how does she help after it happened?

(see the answer keys)

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