Storming Heaven: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Denise Giardina
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Storming Heaven: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Denise Giardina
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Dr. Booker ordered to do?
(a) Testify against Rondal.
(b) Testify against Rosa's brother.
(c) Leave West Virginia.
(d) Leave Justice County.

2. Where do Rondal, Carrie and Dr. Booker go?
(a) To a funeral for a slain organizer.
(b) To meet with their union lawyer.
(c) To Justice County.
(d) To appeal to the State Supreme Court.

3. For whom are the miners cheering?
(a) Annadel.
(b) The mining camp.
(c) Everyone.
(d) No one.

4. What does Talcott do that makes the police tackle him?
(a) Shoots the ball out of the air.
(b) Trips up the other team's player who is running the bases.
(c) Moons the spectators.
(d) Smashes the ump in the face.

5. What is on the train that Carrie rides to Davidson?
(a) Breathing masks.
(b) Coffins.
(c) Sandbags.
(d) Injuried men.

6. How far away do miners come in to support the marching workers?
(a) Ohio.
(b) Kentucky.
(c) Pennsylvania.
(d) New York.

7. What does Albion ask Carrie concerning her mood?
(a) If she is drunk.
(b) If she could love him.
(c) If she is pregnant.
(d) If she is missing someone.

8. What does Carrie decide to do?
(a) Marry her childhood sweetheart.
(b) Go to Alaska with Rondal.
(c) Rejoin the fight to establish unions.
(d) Go out West with Dr. Booker.

9. Where does Albion live near Homeplace?
(a) In town.
(b) Above a restaurant.
(c) A small farm.
(d) At the boarding house.

10. With what is Carrie coping?
(a) The end of her job as a nurse.
(b) The loss of the use of her arm that was shot.
(c) The death of Rondal.
(d) The death of Albion.

11. Where do the miners expect trouble?
(a) In Sheriff Don Chafin's county.
(b) They do not expect trouble since they have preached pacifism.
(c) They expect it all along the way.
(d) They expect it in Justice county.

12. What do the night gun thugs do to Talcott's home?
(a) Paints it with graffiti.
(b) Breaks all the windows.
(c) Break all the furniture.
(d) Burns it down.

13. What does Carrie say when Albion asks her if he remembers them joking about marriage?
(a) She doesn't remember that.
(b) She would never marry anyone.
(c) She still expects that to happen.
(d) They were young and silly.

14. What does Carrie agree to do with Albion?
(a) Go with him when he leaves.
(b) Consider his proposal.
(c) Not tell him no for six months.
(d) Get pregnant.

15. How do they get miners to the staging area?
(a) By train.
(b) By ferryboat.
(c) On horseback.
(d) By carriage.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Rondal's mother do when he tries to talk with her?

2. Who is arrested for murder?

3. Where does Rondal go after the accident?

4. What is Talcott going to do in Chapter 11?

5. Where do Carrie and Albion marry?

(see the answer keys)

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