Storming Heaven: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Denise Giardina
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Storming Heaven: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Denise Giardina
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Lloyd Justice come to the clinic?
(a) He wants to meet Carrie.
(b) He is bringing in an injured miner.
(c) He has a broken foot.
(d) He has typhoid.

2. What is Rondal's mother's goal for Kerwin?
(a) To keep him out of the mines.
(b) That he wait until he is eighteen before working in the mines.
(c) She has no goal for him.
(d) That he become a mining engineer.

3. What has happened to the creek on Clabe's family land?
(a) It has dried up.
(b) It was dammed and became a lake.
(c) It has become a small river from all the rainfall.
(d) It is polluted.

4. What does Carrie do about her observation from question #63?
(a) Writes to the drug companies for medicine.
(b) Has a new well dug.
(c) Tells Miles.
(d) Goes to the government.

5. Why does Lloyd get off the train when Carrie is taking him to the doctor?
(a) He doesn't have the money for a doctor.
(b) He saw a gun thug in the other car.
(c) She is taking him to West Virginia.
(d) He knows a doctor in the town where he departed the train.

6. Why does Rondal think a union organizer is more important than a doctor?
(a) An organizer can get funds for miners' medical care.
(b) A doctor will always be an outsider to the miners.
(c) An organizer changes the world not just treats it.
(d) Some doctors charge too much money to miners.

7. What does Rondal recite one time from school when C.J. visits?
(a) The laws about eminent domain.
(b) Portion of the Declaration of Independence.
(c) The Bill of Rights.
(d) The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.

8. What does Aunt Jane tell Carrie she must learn to do about family members?
(a) Try to please them.
(b) Not be like most members of the family.
(c) Accept them for who they are.
(d) Not argue with them.

9. For what does Rondal's mother want him in relation to Kerwin?
(a) To help her teach Kerwin run the family farm.
(b) To help Kerwin stay in school.
(c) To help her keep Kerwin from getting married to Pricie.
(d) To help her keep Kerwin out of the mines.

10. What does Carrie ask Mike to teach her?
(a) How to ride a horse.
(b) How to shoot a gun.
(c) How to split logs.
(d) How to milk a cow.

11. What does Miles tell Carrie about Lloyd?
(a) He is working under a false name.
(b) He has two children.
(c) He is married.
(d) He has been discovered to be an organizer.

12. For what does C.J. praise Isom?
(a) Taking care of his mother.
(b) Knowing how to control a rowdy horse.
(c) Likes everyone regardless of race or wealth.
(d) Being very intelligent.

13. How does Ermel's keeping his land affect his fortunes?
(a) It doesn't affect his fortunes.
(b) He is shunned by other families in the area so his business goes bankrupt.
(c) He is poor as his land has no value.
(d) He becomes wealthy.

14. Where did Rosa live during her childhood?
(a) New York.
(b) Canada.
(c) Sicily.
(d) Mexico.

15. Why does Miles join an Episcopal Church?
(a) The priest is a friend of his.
(b) To make social contacts.
(c) He was converted.
(d) His wife is Episcopal.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Rondal ask the United Mineworkers for in a letter?

2. What does Carrie do after Lloyd leaves town?

3. Why do Talcott and Pricie elope?

4. Why does C.J. send Rondal to talk to Dr. Booker?

5. For whom does Clabe go to work?

(see the answer keys)

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