Stories Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stories Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "The Woman" Herr Scholtz says that a woman had an affair with him ___________________.
(a) to have a child.
(b) to travel the world.
(c) to get his money.
(d) to catch a husband.

2. Where do Mary and her husband usually stay on their vacation?
(a) The Four Seasons.
(b) Provence Inn.
(c) The Plaza.
(d) Greystone Inn.

3. How does Rose's mother die?
(a) She has a heart attack.
(b) She drives over a cliff.
(c) She drowns while swimming.
(d) She is run over by a lorry.

4. Who is Rose's father?
(a) Phil.
(b) Edward.
(c) Jem.
(d) Chick.

5. The person in #47 shows his ________________ to Hamish and Mary.
(a) files.
(b) books.
(c) paintings.
(d) photographs.

6. The author says that she is always ____________________.
(a) searching for her next great love.
(b) wishing she were somewhere else.
(c) writing a novel in her head.
(d) running late.

7. What does Mary purchase during a layover in Paris?
(a) Sunglasses.
(b) Espadrilles.
(c) Purse.
(d) A bowl.

8. What drink does Annie's husband spill when he comes to see her?
(a) Tea.
(b) Wine.
(c) Lemonade.
(d) Beer.

9. What does the man in #82 when the woman rebuffs him?
(a) Pleads with her.
(b) Slaps her.
(c) Yells at her.
(d) Gets drunk.

10. What is in the center of one of the paintings that Hamish and Mary view?
(a) A clock.
(b) Tears.
(c) A large eye.
(d) A green apple.

11. Where is George killed?
(a) France.
(b) Italy.
(c) North Africa.
(d) Germany.

12. What offer does George make so that Rose will marry him?
(a) Her father can live with them.
(b) He will buy new appliances.
(c) He will take her on a cruise.
(d) He will buy her a big house.

13. What was the cause of George's divorce?
(a) Psychological problems.
(b) His affairs.
(c) Mental cruelty.
(d) Financial problems.

14. Who is the young woman that Mary meets while on vacation?
(a) Susanna Muirfield.
(b) Ava Sloane.
(c) Betty Clarke.
(d) Marlene Giddons.

15. In "A Man and Two Wome", where have Stella and her husband rented a cottage?
(a) Essex.
(b) Derby.
(c) Bristol.
(d) Porthkerris.

Short Answer Questions

1. Mrs. Pearson says that she has been divorced from Jimmie for _____________.

2. What does George ask his ex-wife to find for him?

3. What is Jimmie's job?

4. What has become evident to George regarding Rose?

5. What do the couple in "Wine" order while at the table?

(see the answer keys)

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