Stories of Anton Chekov Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 168 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stories of Anton Chekov Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 168 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Korolev believe social change will occur?
(a) Later in his lifetime.
(b) In the next generations.
(c) Not for another hundred years.
(d) He is skeptical things will ever change in Russia.

2. Why do the wedding dressmakers cry?
(a) Varvara and Aksinya yell at them for their work.
(b) Anisim ruins the dresses during a drunken fit.
(c) Grigory pays them in sardines and candles instead of cash.
(d) Grigory pays them in counterfeit.

3. What do Kovalenko and Varenka do that appalls Belikov?
(a) Ride bicycles.
(b) Wear sandals in the rain.
(c) Sing in the classroom.
(d) Dance in the street.

4. According to the artist in "The House with the Mezzanine", what is the only thing worth living for?
(a) Philosophy.
(b) Love.
(c) Spiritual activity.
(d) Money.

5. What is most important to Lida Volchaninova?
(a) Getting married.
(b) Providing for her mother and sister.
(c) Local politics and helping the needy.
(d) Having children.

6. What is it like for Bishop Pyotr when he serves abroad?
(a) He is happy to see other parts of the world.
(b) He is homesick.
(c) He feels it is useless.
(d) He can see himself doing this forever.

7. How does the coroner witness the disrespect the beadle gets?
(a) The witnesses laugh at the beadle when he tries to call them over.
(b) Dr. Starchenko speaks to him contemptously.
(c) The coroner sees the people shoo him away when heading to the von Taunitz.
(d) The driver runs the beadle into the snow.

8. Why does Vasilisa have trouble writing a letter to her daughter?
(a) Vasilisa has no news to write about.
(b) She is only doing it for her husband.
(c) Vasilisa is angry with her daughter but does not want to show it.
(d) There is too much to say.

9. How is Anisim caught with counterfeit?
(a) Grigory notices it and turns him in.
(b) The merrymakers try to bribe him and turns him in.
(c) Aksinya realizes it and turns him in.
(d) The blacksmith traces it back to him.

10. In "On Official Business", where is the scene of death?
(a) The Zemstvo cottage.
(b) The clerk's office.
(c) The village hall.
(d) The Zemstvo's barn.

11. How does Olga help Vladimir when he returns to her?
(a) She lets his family stay in the wing without pay.
(b) She helps him find a post.
(c) She gives him the house.
(d) She gives him money.

12. Why haven't Vasilisa and her husband received any word from Yefimya?
(a) Andrei did not mail Yefimya's letters.
(b) Yefimya is too busy to write.
(c) Yefimya is too ill to write.
(d) Andrei forbids her to contact her parents.

13. What epiphany does Lyzhin realize while at von Taunitz's?
(a) Life in Moscow has nothing to do with provincial life.
(b) Life is full of random accidents.
(c) The provincial life is not as bad as he assumed.
(d) Life's events are not accidents.

14. What does Anisim say that astonishes Varvara, his mother?
(a) That he does not want to marry.
(b) That he is in love with Aksinya.
(c) That he does not believe in God.
(d) That she will go to hell.

15. How is Korolev convinced to stay overnight to watch over Liza?
(a) By Liza's mother's pitiful appeal.
(b) Liza's mother pays him extra rubles.
(c) Liza coquettishly requests.
(d) Christina demands him to.

Short Answer Questions

1. What same sound does Lyzhin hear at the Zemstvo cottage and von Taunitz's?

2. What is on Varvara's mind when Anisim unexpectedly returns home?

3. What races through the bishop's head when his colleagues confirm his mother's appearance?

4. What is so different about Anna from the other women Gurov usually meets?

5. What happens to Grigory in old age?

(see the answer keys)

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