The Stone Angel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Stone Angel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Hagar form and alliance with in hopes of keeping John and Arlene from marrying?
(a) Telford.
(b) Marvin.
(c) Charlie Bean.
(d) Lottie.

2. When John dies, a nurse urges Hagar to cry. She doesn't, why?
(a) She really didn't care that much for John.
(b) She would never allow herself to cry in front of strangers.
(c) She didn't have any tissue.
(d) She was already all cried out from losing Bram.

3. What do Hagar and Murray Lees share during their time together?
(a) Cigarettes, wine, and stories of their life.
(b) Chocolates, cheese, and crackers.
(c) Pan-fried gull.
(d) Fresh water, wine, and chocolates.

4. What do Hagar and Sandra, her roommate in the hospital, have in common?
(a) They both like horses.
(b) They both like Dr. Tappen.
(c) Both of their fathers were storeowners.
(d) Both of their husbands were farmers.

5. What kind of diet did Hagar's doctor order for her?
(a) No diet, she can eat anything she wants.
(b) Low acid.
(c) No fat.
(d) Soft food.

Short Answer Questions

1. The night after Bram's funeral, who was the one who cried?

2. What does Murray say caused him to lose his faith?

3. What does Hagar feel like she is waiting for now in her dying days at the hospital?

4. When Marvin and Doris come to visit Hagar at the hospital again, what does Doris offer to do?

5. After Mr. Troy leaves the hospital after visiting Hagar, who comes to visit Hagar?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Hagar try to be helpful to her roommate?

2. In Chapter 7, do you think John respects his mother?

3. How would you describe Mr. Murray Lees in Chapter 8?

4. How is John's character forming in Chapter 6?

5. In Hagar complaining that Arlene is always at the house, and then wishing she had not said it afterward, what does this say about Hagar?

6. Why do you think Hagar does not allow herself to cry in front of strangers?

7. Hagar finds something in common with Elva, a recognition. How was this foreshadowed at her first visit to the nursing home?

8. In Chapter 7, Hagar's fear of the dark is admitted. Why do you think she has never told anyone she was afraid of the dark?

9. In Chapter 9, why do you think Hagar apologize to the nurse?

10. Hagar's need to do things herself and not accept help is consistent throughout. How is it depicted at the end of Chapter 10?

(see the answer keys)

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