The Stone Angel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Stone Angel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After losing jobs, and not having money to go to college, what does John decided to do?
(a) Go to the war.
(b) Start selling Oriental wives, like Mr. Oatley.
(c) Go into show business.
(d) Return to Manawaka and the Shipley farm.

2. What caused the death of John and Arlene?
(a) Drinking John's potato liquor.
(b) Broken hearts, when Arlene left for the East.
(c) A plague of locusts.
(d) A freight train hit them head on while they were driving across the trestle bridge.

3. What does Hagar,while pretending to sleep, overhear Elva say to the ladies in the public ward of the hospital?
(a) Hagar sure is cranky.
(b) Sleep will do her good.
(c) I am going to pray for her tonight.
(d) Bless her heart.

4. What reduces all people in the Manawaka community to the same desperate level?
(a) A polio outbreak.
(b) There is a drought.
(c) The new king.
(d) The stock market crash.

5. When Hagar and John go to town to sell eggs, who does she see flirting with John?
(a) Gladys Shipley.
(b) Arlene Simmons.
(c) Aunt Doll.
(d) Jess Shipley.

6. What kind of diet did Hagar's doctor order for her?
(a) No diet, she can eat anything she wants.
(b) No fat.
(c) Low acid.
(d) Soft food.

7. Why didn't John want to apply for a scholarship or loan to go to college?
(a) He said he was too old and didn't have the brains.
(b) He said he didn't have the brains.
(c) He didn't know why he should since is mother made so much money with her stocks.
(d) He said he didn't want to leave Arlene.

8. Why does Hagar rarely visit her first son, Marvin, who lives nearby?
(a) She doesn't feel welcomed.
(b) His wife, Doris, is obnoxious.
(c) She feels uncomfortable around him.
(d) He doesn't want his mother to visit.

9. Where did Elva attend church, and how far was it from Manawaka?
(a) West Freehold, 1500 miles.
(b) Freehold, 500 miles.
(c) East Freehold, 1000 miles.
(d) Freehold, not far.

10. Hagar's new roommate is Sandra Wong, in the semi-private room of the hospital, is an Asian girl. Where does Hagar think she descended from?
(a) Asia.
(b) Hong Kong.
(c) Germany.
(d) One of Mr. Oatley's illegally imported women.

11. What does Hagar tell Mr. Oatley about why she needed a few more weeks in Manawaka?
(a) Her son died.
(b) The farm needed tending to.
(c) She really liked it there.
(d) Her brother died.

12. At the beginning of Chapter 7, Hagar wakes up to her first morning at the fish cannery, she thinks it would be nice to be home, but would never admit this to Doris. Why?
(a) She is afraid Doris would tease her about it.
(b) If she did, it would be like admitting Doris was right, that Hagar could not take care of herself.
(c) She never shows a weakness.
(d) She is too proud.

13. When John dies, a nurse urges Hagar to cry. She doesn't, why?
(a) She would never allow herself to cry in front of strangers.
(b) She didn't have any tissue.
(c) She was already all cried out from losing Bram.
(d) She really didn't care that much for John.

14. Hagar complains about Dr. Tappen, who is he?
(a) Elva's doctor.
(b) Her childhood dog.
(c) Her childhood doctor.
(d) Her current doctor.

15. What happened to Hagar's money that she invested in the stock market?
(a) She doubled what she put in.
(b) She lost it in the stock market crash.
(c) She forgot about it.
(d) She took it out and bought her limoge china back from Lottie Telford.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Mr. Troy sings, what does Hagar recognize?

2. What does Hagar decorate her hair with?

3. In the end, Hagar cannot give up her old ways. What is her response when Doris offers her a glass of water?

4. What does Hagar notice about the little girl and boy playing house?

5. What has been John's therapy for his dying father?

(see the answer keys)

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