The Stone Angel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Stone Angel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the stone angel?
(a) The Currie family moto.
(b) Yard statue standing in Hagar's front yard.
(c) A cemetery monument that used to stand over the Hagar's mother's grave.
(d) Small figurine Hagar keeps in her pocket.

2. When was it mentioned that Bram would usually work?
(a) During harvest and threshing.
(b) Never, he was lazy.
(c) When he needed drinking money.
(d) All day every day.

3. Why do Marvin and Doris want to send Hagar to Silverthreads?
(a) Doris can't keep up with the workload from Hagar's bed wetting.
(b) Doris can't stand Hagar and thinks she is mean.
(c) Marvin is afraid Hagar will burn the house down with her smoking.
(d) Marvin and Doris both want some time to themselves.

4. On the bus ride home from Dr. Corby's office Hagar cries when a young lady offers her seat to her. What is Hagar still unable to cry for?
(a) The little chicks Lottie killed.
(b) Soldier.
(c) Her "dead men."
(d) The price of wheat.

5. Since Marvin manages her money, what money does Hagar plan to use to get to Shadow Point, ?
(a) She plans to use her pension check.
(b) She plans to sell more limoge china.
(c) She plans to take money from Doris' purse.
(d) She plans to get a job.

6. How did Bram Shipley spend his and Hagar's money?
(a) On dancing siamese cats to sell to the circus.
(b) On schemes that did not make any money.
(c) On a successful beehive.
(d) On dairy cows to sell milk.

7. What does Hagar think about the amenities of the small night watchman's house at the cannery?
(a) She is happy to have a roof over her head.
(b) She thought it would do for now, but plans to get a better place.
(c) She is upset about the mildewed mattress.
(d) She takes pleasure in the view of the sea and thinks moving is a great adventure.

8. What kind of pictures hung on the walls at the Shipley house before Hagar moved in?
(a) Pictures of little brown jugs.
(b) Pictures of wild flowers.
(c) Pictures of horses.
(d) None.

9. How much time past before Jason Currie visited his first grandson?
(a) He never did.
(b) Two days.
(c) Five years.
(d) One week.

10. How much older is Bram Shipley than Hagar?
(a) 14 years.
(b) 7 years.
(c) 50 years.
(d) He is really younger than her.

11. How does Hagar get to the hospital to deliver her second son, John?
(a) She drives herself.
(b) Bram drives her down the Main Street of town.
(c) Marvin drives her to the hospital.
(d) She delivers him at home.

12. Why did Bram receive a warning from a Mountie?
(a) He urinated on the steps of the Hagar's father's store.
(b) He didn't receive a warning, he was a fine upstanding citizen.
(c) He sold liquor to the Indians.
(d) He was driving drunk.

13. How much money did Hagar get from her father?
(a) $10,000.
(b) None.
(c) $500,000,000,000.
(d) No money, but she got the store.

14. How did Hagar feel about John at his birth?
(a) She felt an instant connection.
(b) Strange and uncertain.
(c) Full of pride and joy.
(d) Distant.

15. How does Hagar comment on Bram Shipley's dancing?
(a) He scoots his boots nicely.
(b) He has two left feet.
(c) He is light on his feet.
(d) He dances like a prince.

Short Answer Questions

1. What comment does Mrs. Steiner make causing Hagar to wonder how she knows so much about her?

2. How does Hagar say good-bye to her brother, Matt, when she leaves for boarding school?

3. On the way to the hospital to deliver Marvin, Doris is scared, but doesn't admit it. What is she scared of?

4. How is the Shipley house described?

5. What was Hagar's occupation at Mr. Oatley's house?

(see the answer keys)

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