The Stone Angel Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Stone Angel Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 10.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Hagar respond when Mrs. Steiner says she hope to see Hagar again?
(a) She says she can't wait and hopes they become best of friends.
(b) She smiles politely and nods her head.
(c) She says she won't come back to the horrible place.
(d) She denies she'll every come back.

2. What does Hagar tell Mrs. Steiner about the death of her son John?
(a) He died in a car accident, it wasn't his fault.
(b) He drank himself to death.
(c) He was killed in the war.
(d) He died in a car accident, he was wreckless.

3. What do Hagar and Murray Lees share during their time together?
(a) Cigarettes, wine, and stories of their life.
(b) Fresh water, wine, and chocolates.
(c) Pan-fried gull.
(d) Chocolates, cheese, and crackers.

4. What did Hagar tell her employer, Mr. Oatley, about her husband?
(a) He was over seas at war.
(b) He was lazy and common as dirt.
(c) He died.
(d) She had never been married.

5. Why did Bram receive a warning from a Mountie?
(a) He sold liquor to the Indians.
(b) He didn't receive a warning, he was a fine upstanding citizen.
(c) He was driving drunk.
(d) He urinated on the steps of the Hagar's father's store.

Short Answer Questions

1. While seated on the veranda at Silverthreads Nursing Home, whose birth does Hagar remember?

2. Why does Hagar return to Manawaka and the Shipley farm?

3. In the cannery, what is Hagar using for a table and chairs?

4. What does Hagar,while pretending to sleep, overhear Elva say to the ladies in the public ward of the hospital?

5. What improvements did Bram make on the Shipley place?

(see the answer key)

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