Stone of Tears Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stone of Tears Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the Caharin?
(a) The cursed of the Baka Ban Mana.
(b) The one that dances with spirits who will defeat thirty warriors.
(c) The murdered prophet of the Baka Ban Mana.
(d) Du Chaillu's husband.

2. What do Chandalen, Tossidin, and Prindin teach the young Galen soldiers?
(a) How to make spears.
(b) How to move and be unseen.
(c) How to shoot bows.
(d) How to use a sword.

3. Why does Verna remove Warren's collar?
(a) It is choking him.
(b) He is in pain.
(c) It has turned red hot.
(d) He has earned it.

4. Why does Richard say he will not forgive Du Chaillu?
(a) For hiding his whereabouts from Kahlan.
(b) For agreeing to guide Richard and then trying to mislead him.
(c) For pretending to know the way through the valley.
(d) For forcing him to kill 30 men.

5. Who does Kahlan meet when she enters the Imperial Order's Army camp?
(a) The emperor.
(b) An Oracle.
(c) The First Councilor.
(d) Their wizard.

Short Answer Questions

1. About what does Richard want to know?

2. What does Richard kill?

3. What village do Richard and Verna enter after they are through the Valley of the Lost?

4. Where does Warren work?

5. What type of wizard is Richard?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where does the council put Kahlan and what does she do about it?

2. What is the story about Prindin and Kahlan and what he does?

3. Why do some of the soldiers bring a boy to Kahlan and what does she do? How does he respond?

4. What does Richard announce once he is inside the palace?

5. What happens to Richard, Warren, and Verna when he returns from the woods?

6. What two wizards does Richard meet and how does he feel about them? What does Richard promise one of the wizards?

7. Describe the encounter between Richard and Darken Rahl in the Garden of Life at the end of the book?

8. What does the Imperial Army intend to do about the world and what do they do with Kahlan? What is her response?

9. Where are Zedd and Addie in Chapter 57, what has happened to them and what will help them recover?

10. What does Verna point out to Richard on the way to the Palace and how does he feel about it?

(see the answer keys)

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