Stone of Tears Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stone of Tears Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose body does Kahlan look for in the beginning of Chapter 29?
(a) Addie's.
(b) Her sister's.
(c) Her mother's.
(d) Zedd's.

2. What is Kahlan told by the person who saves Richard from Darken Rahl?
(a) Richard needs to go to Wizard's Keep.
(b) Richard must put on the collar.
(c) Richard should never put on the collar.
(d) Kahlan should use the collar to control Richard.

3. What do Richard and Verna do at the Valley of the Lost at the beginning of Chapter 28?
(a) Find Zedd.
(b) Find Kahlan.
(c) Begin the journey across it.
(d) Fight a battle.

4. What did Zedd tell the soldiers to do with the creature?
(a) Cut it into little pieces.
(b) Stab it in the heart.
(c) Cut off its legs.
(d) Bury its head.

5. What scares Addie the most of all that Zedd tells her?
(a) There are more Sisters of the Dark than the Light.
(b) The Keeper is in the World.
(c) The Stone of Tears is in the world.
(d) Darken Rahl has escaped the underworld.

6. What was the person who first put a collar on Richard?
(a) A lover.
(b) A a Mord-Sith.
(c) A king.
(d) A wizard.

7. What do Kahlan and Richard intend to do?
(a) Become King and Queen.
(b) Help the Midlands with the drought.
(c) Get married.
(d) Have a child.

8. Who was following the army that massacred all those people in Kahlan sister's castle?
(a) A group of school boys.
(b) Her sister's husband's guards.
(c) The Galean army.
(d) The castle guard.

9. What does Kahlan make Verna promise?
(a) She will make certain he eats enough.
(b) She will let him adjust before any training.
(c) She won't let Richard forget Kahlan loves him.
(d) She will be kind to him.

10. What does Verna tell Richard about how she is feeling?
(a) She is grateful towards him.
(b) She is angry at him.
(c) She is indifferent to him.
(d) She is happy with him.

11. What does Shota tell Richard about his father?
(a) That Darken Rahl is his biological father.
(b) That his father is Zedd's son.
(c) That his father was a friend of hers.
(d) That his father was from the Mud People.

12. What does Richard tell Kahlan to do?
(a) Go home.
(b) Go find her sister.
(c) Come with him to the Southern Continent.
(d) Find Zedd.

13. What did Jebra say the Keeper has done with Richard?
(a) Gave him nightmares.
(b) Caused him to kill his father.
(c) Put out a bounty on his head.
(d) Burned a mark into him.

14. What did Zedd tell Chase to say to Richard about himself?
(a) Tell him Rachel is his daughter.
(b) Tell him Zedd is his grandfather.
(c) Tell him to go to Kahlan.
(d) Tell him Zedd is waiting for him.

15. What does Richard tell Verna about his vision?
(a) He tells her he had a vision but not what it was.
(b) He tells her about the Garden of Life but not Darken Rahl.
(c) He tells her he saw Kahlan in trouble.
(d) He does not tell her.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Margret see about a Mother Confessor?

2. Who attacks Richard in Chapter 24?

3. From where did the creature who attacked Zedd and Chase come?

4. What are the two types of people who have difficulty crossing the Valley of the Lost?

5. What did Nathan tell a sister he called to him?

(see the answer keys)

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