Stone Fox Test | Final Test - Medium

John Reynolds Gardiner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stone Fox Test | Final Test - Medium

John Reynolds Gardiner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Grandfather once say about the country that he and little WIlly live in?
(a) "There are some things in this world worth dying for."
(b) "It's beautiful, but you have to watch out for the wild animals."
(c) "Our farm is prettier in the spring."
(d) "I hate the winters here."

2. Why can Searchlight not sleep the night before the big race?
(a) Because Searchlight has a sore paw.
(b) Because when Willy does not sleep well, Searchlight does not sleep well.
(c) Because Willy is moaning and the noise keeps Searchlight awake.
(d) Because Searchlight never sleeps well.

3. How do little Willy and Searchlight feel right before the race starts?
(a) He and Searchlight are not focused on winning but on mingling with the crowd.
(b) He and Searchlight are confident they will win.
(c) He and Searchlight are so nervous they are nauseous.
(d) He and Searchlight are tired and in pain and do not really want to run the race.

4. What kind of dogs pull Stone Fox's sled?
(a) Shepherds.
(b) Akitas.
(c) Huskies.
(d) Samoyeds.

5. Who is the official starter for the race?
(a) Mayor Smiley.
(b) Mr. Foster.
(c) Doc Smith.
(d) Lester.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what month is the dogsled held?

2. Why does Willy want to take care of his grandfather?

3. What does Grandfather say that gives Willy strength?

4. On what day of the week is the dogsled race to take place?

5. Why can Willy not sleep the night before the big race?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Doc Smith tell Willy when Willy asks why the state needs taxes?

2. Why does Stone Fox hit little Willy?

3. Why does little Willy go into town the night before the race?

4. How does little Willy feel after he gets his money and enters the race?

5. Why does little Willy want to take care of Grandfather?

6. Explain the difference between the practice schedules of little Willy and Stone Fox.

7. How does Doc Smith feel about Willy entering the dogsled race?

8. What surprises Willy when he gets into town the day of the race?

9. Why does Stone Fox not talk to white men?

10. What does Willy do to try to solve Grandfather's problem?

(see the answer keys)

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