Stone Fox Test | Final Test - Easy

John Reynolds Gardiner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stone Fox Test | Final Test - Easy

John Reynolds Gardiner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following does Lester NOT say to little Willy?
(a) "I admire you."
(b) "Good luck, son!"
(c) "You don't have a chance!"
(d) "You got a heap of courage."

2. What happens when Willy tries to pet the Samoyeds?
(a) Stone Fox punches Willy in the eye.
(b) Three of the Samoyeds lick Willy all over the face.
(c) The lead dog bites Willy.
(d) Willy is attacked by all five dogs.

3. Why does Doc Smith say that the state needs taxes?
(a) So the state can build better highways.
(b) So the state can send their employees on expensive trips.
(c) So the state can take care of people who cannot take care of themselves.
(d) So the state can improve the quality of education.

4. What does Willy wear when he goes to the bank?
(a) A sports coat and khaki pants.
(b) A deep red sweater and dark jeans.
(c) A blue suit and blue tie.
(d) A clean pair of overalls and flannel shirt.

5. How many miles does the dogsled race cover?
(a) 5 miles.
(b) 50 miles.
(c) 20 miles.
(d) 10 miles.

6. What is wrong with Willy the day of the race?
(a) He has frostbite on his second finger of his left hand.
(b) He is throwing up.
(c) He has a fever and a sore throat.
(d) His eye is swollen shut.

7. Which of the following does NOT describe Mayor Smiley?
(a) He sits in a bright red chair in a large office.
(b) He puts his feet on his desk.
(c) He uses a silk handkerchief.
(d) He eats a bologna sandwich as he talks.

8. What does Willy feed grandfather before he left for the race?
(a) Oatmeal.
(b) Biscuits and gravy.
(c) Steak and potatoes.
(d) Bacon and eggs.

9. What tribe does Stone Fox belong to?
(a) The Cherokee.
(b) The Nez Perce.
(c) The Shoshone.
(d) The Iroquois.

10. What is Doc Smith baking when Willy comes to her house the night before the race?
(a) Cinnamon cake.
(b) Cherry pie.
(c) Wheat bread.
(d) Pecan rolls.

11. Which of the following does NOT happen to little Willy feel right before the race starts?
(a) His feet itch.
(b) His hands start to sweat.
(c) His throat gets dry.
(d) His heart thumps.

12. How is the race officially started?
(a) The clock strikes one.
(b) A red flag is waved.
(c) A man yells, "Ready. Set. Go."
(d) A pistol is fired.

13. What do Willy and Doc Smith believe to be the cause of Grandfather's illness?
(a) Fear about the harvest.
(b) Food poisoning from bad bacon.
(c) Stomach cancer.
(d) Unpaid tax bills.

14. Which of the following people did Willy NOT talk to about his problem?
(a) Lester at the general store.
(b) His teacher, Miss Williams.
(c) Stone Fox.
(d) Hank, who swept up at the post office.

15. What are little Willy's parting words to Stone Fox?
(a) "Maybe we could get together after the race."
(b) "Does your Indian blood make you a better dogsled racer?"
(c) "I'm sorry we both can't win."
(d) "Just because you are big doesn't mean you can win everything."

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Willy think will happen to his grandfather after he wins the race?

2. How does little Willy receive his money to enter the dogsled race?

3. What is NOT one of the reasons for Willy wanting to pet the Samoyeds?

4. How many races has Stone Fox lost throughout his lifetime?

5. In what month is the dogsled held?

(see the answer keys)

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