Stone Fox Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

John Reynolds Gardiner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stone Fox Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

John Reynolds Gardiner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What signal does Grandfather use to mean no?
(a) He puts his palm up on the mattress.
(b) He turns over onto his side.
(c) He puts his palm down on the mattress.
(d) He crosses his legs.

2. According to little Willy, what season is the most beautiful time of year in Montana?
(a) Summer.
(b) Winter.
(c) Fall.
(d) Spring.

3. What color is Willy's dog?
(a) Yellow-gold.
(b) Mostly black.
(c) Mostly brown.
(d) Solid white.

4. What does Willy tell Clifford Snyder about dogs?
(a) That dogs can always tell when someone is afraid of them.
(b) That dogs get mean when strangers come into the house.
(c) That dogs always want to be petted.
(d) That dogs shed their hair when someone yells at them.

5. What does Doc Smith say is wrong with Grandfather?
(a) He is paralyzed.
(b) He has given up on life.
(c) He has cancer.
(d) He has stomach poisoning.

6. How far is the schoolhouse from Grandfather and Willy's farm?
(a) 5 miles.
(b) 3 blocks.
(c) 15 miles.
(d) 2,000 feet.

7. How does Willy know when he has got a really good question?
(a) When his teacher answers him right away.
(b) When he gets different answers from different people.
(c) When his friends do not know the answer.
(d) When the library does not know the answer.

8. Who does Clifford Snyder work for?
(a) The general store.
(b) The bank.
(c) The Mayor's office.
(d) The State of Wyoming.

9. How does Willy know how much food to order for the winter?
(a) He asks Lester at the general store how much Grandfather bought last year.
(b) He does research on the internet about the amount of supplies he might need.
(c) He makes wild guesses about the amount of food he and Grandfather will eat.
(d) He has Doc Smith put together a list of what they needed.

10. What month is the crop harvested?
(a) April.
(b) June.
(c) September.
(d) December.

11. Which of the following does NOT describe a city slicker?
(a) They do not know potatoes from peanuts.
(b) They are always drinking coffee.
(c) They dress like they are going to a wedding.
(d) They have soft, pink hands.

12. What weapon does Clifford Snyder have?
(a) A hammer.
(b) An axe.
(c) A pocket knife.
(d) A derringer.

13. What is one of the first chores that Grandfather does when he wakes up?
(a) Grandfather builds a fire.
(b) Grandfather does exercises.
(c) Grandfather takes the dog for a walk.
(d) Grandfather goes bird-hunting.

14. Which of the following statements does Clifford Snyder NOT make to Grandfather?
(a) "If you do not pay . . . we have our ways."
(b) "Maybe we can get you more time to pay."
(c) "It is the law."
(d) "You are no better than other folks."

15. What happens to Grandfather when little Willy harvests the crop?
(a) Grandfather is so happy he dances a jig.
(b) Grandfather does not get better.
(c) Grandfather dies.
(d) Grandfather gives Willy part of the money for his college fund.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Grandfather get the old wooden sled that carried Willy to school?

2. How old is little Willy?

3. Which activity will Willy NOT do after school?

4. How big is the white spot on Willy's dog's head?

5. What crop does little WIlly and his Grandfather raise?

(see the answer keys)

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