Stone Butch Blues Test | Final Test - Medium

Leslie Feinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stone Butch Blues Test | Final Test - Medium

Leslie Feinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Jess and Edna ride on Jess' cycle?
(a) The zoo.
(b) The beach.
(c) The falls.
(d) The state park.

2. Jess buys a ________________ concert tape for Ruth.
(a) Frank Sinatra.
(b) Judy Garland.
(c) Liza Minnelli.
(d) Miles Davis.

3. Which one of Jess' friends from the past meets her in Manhattan?
(a) Jan.
(b) Frankie.
(c) Gloria.
(d) Theresa.

4. What kills Jess' job at the factory?
(a) She is late too many days.
(b) She organizes a union strike.
(c) She misses too many days.
(d) She is referred to as "she" at a union meeting.

5. To what creature does Jess compare herself?
(a) Dog.
(b) Eagle.
(c) Horse.
(d) Bull.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Jess deduce that Butch Al is in the asylum?

2. Which of the following does NOT describe Ruth?

3. Gloria will not allow Jess to see her grandkids, Kim, and __________.

4. What is the subject of the painting that Ruth gives Jess for Christmas?

5. Where does Jess spend her first night in New York City?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the conditions of factories in the 1970s, which is ten years after Jess has been working in them.

2. What is the significance of the apartment fire to Jess?

3. What public role does Jess take on in Chapter 26?

4. Describe how living in New York City elevates Jess' life in many ways.

5. What happens at a wedding that lets Jess know that she cannot continue a relationship with Annie?

6. What does Ruth inadvertently do to harm Jess' job just as Duffy did years ago and how does Jess respond this time?

7. What is the difference between Buffalo and New York?

8. Ruth paints Jess' bedroom that serves as a metaphor for who they are. Describe what it is and why it is a metaphor.

9. What is the irony of Jess moving next door to Ruth?

10. Why does Edna say that Jess is a "granite" butch?

(see the answer keys)

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