Still Missing Test | Final Test - Medium

Chevy Stevens
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Still Missing Test | Final Test - Medium

Chevy Stevens
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What cousin of Annie's does she say had lost her Realtor's license for a short time, possibly leading to a motive for kidnapping?
(a) Samantha.
(b) Tamara.
(c) Jennifer.
(d) Melissa.

2. Annie's mother told her in jail that she would have sold what if she could have, in order to repay the loan shark?
(a) Annie's investments.
(b) Annie's jewelry.
(c) Annie's house.
(d) Annie's car.

3. In Session 17, Annie tells the psychiatrist how Luke came by to do what recently?
(a) Fix her car.
(b) Ask her opinion.
(c) Install bookkeeping software.
(d) Cook her dinner.

4. Annie's twenty-second visit to her psychiatrist is what?
(a) Insightful.
(b) Uneventful.
(c) Unscheduled.
(d) Scheduled in advance.

5. Annie's mother told her while she was in jail that she had Annie kidnapped so they could do what?
(a) Become a stronger family.
(b) Make money off the story.
(c) One-up her aunt Val.
(d) Start a new life.

Short Answer Questions

1. During her interview with the police, Annie's mother confessed to paying who to kidnap her daughter?

2. What assisted Annie in escaping her second abductor in Session 22?

3. For whom has Annie recently agreed to do some bookkeeping in Session 17?

4. Where was Annie taken to spend the night with the cop from Clayton Falls, as described in Session 20?

5. In Session 26, Annie describes having talked to Christina only to learn that Christina did what as soon as she learned Annie was one of the other Realtors in the running for the condo deal?

Short Essay Questions

1. What led to Annie's discussion with her mother about Aunt Val, as she describes in Session 17?

2. How did Annie kill her abductor? What did she do immediately afterward?

3. What conversation with Luke does Annie describe to her therapist in Session 18?

4. What did Annie learn from her mother about her relationship with Dwight, as described in Session 26?

5. What setback does Annie describe in her emotional progress in Session 17? What led to the setback?

6. What does Annie relate about her conversation with her mother over dinner in Session 23?

7. What evidence does Gary relate to Annie regarding her mother, as described in Session 24?

8. What interaction with Christina does Annie describe in Session 19?

9. What did Wayne confess to Annie, as she relates in Session 24?

10. Where did Annie stay after her first day of questioning with the police, as described in Session 20? How does she describe this time?

(see the answer keys)

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