Still Life with Woodpecker Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Still Life with Woodpecker Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the writer say might happen during the rest of the story?
(a) He might begin writing in Chinese.
(b) He might give the characters a box of Chiclets.
(c) He might have a Spanish speaking character.
(d) He might lapse into writing Chiclet.

2. How does Bernard define myth?
(a) Crystallized history.
(b) History repeated through generations.
(c) Coincidences.
(d) Truth coming through the last person in whisper-down-the-lane.

3. What word does Leigh-Cheri realize looks the same in a mirror?

4. What language does the writer say he is now teaching himself?
(a) Chiclets.
(b) Argon.
(c) Chinese.
(d) Spanish.

5. What example does Bernard give about myth?
(a) The Red Beards.
(b) The Argonites.
(c) The Yellow Hairs.
(d) The Man-on-the-Moon.

6. Where does Leigh-Cheri and Bernard live at the end of the story?
(a) They move to Hawaii.
(b) They live in the cave behind the waterfall.
(c) They move to the house at Puget Sound.
(d) The move in with Ralph Nader.

7. What does Bernard say about love?
(a) Love needs a spark to ignite just like dynamite.
(b) Love is an impossible dream.
(c) Love is the real outlaw.
(d) Love isn't possible alone.

8. In Chapter Forty-Six, who does Leigh-Cheri refuse to see?
(a) Bernard.
(b) King Max.
(c) Queen Tilli.
(d) A'ben Fizel.

9. From what box of cereal does Leigh-Cheri read a satisfaction guarantee?
(a) Fruit Loops.
(b) Cheerios.
(c) Captain Crunch.
(d) Wheaties.

10. At the end of Chapter Ninety-Three, what does the Red-Beard say to Leigh-Cheri?
(a) "Hello, Red."
(b) "Whatever happens to the gold ball?"
(c) "Where's Waldo?"
(d) "Hello, dragon bait."

11. Who is Nina Jablonski?
(a) Bernard's attorney.
(b) Leigh-Cheri's doctor.
(c) Bernard's old girlfriend.
(d) Leigh-Cheri's best friend.

12. What is happening to King Max after he moves from Pugent Sound?
(a) He is reading the newspaper daily.
(b) He's a big winner gambling in Reno.
(c) He's retired and doing volunteer work.
(d) He is playing the lottery.

13. Although Bernard rebels against behavioral codes, what does he do?
(a) He turns himself in to the police.
(b) He throws his last stick of dynamite in the ocean.
(c) He goes to charm school.
(d) He goes to Leigh-Cheri's home to meet her parents.

14. What does the writer tell the readers the Cuban children asked him for?
(a) Certs.
(b) Chiclets.
(c) Chickens.
(d) Candy.

15. Why isn't Bernard permitted to smoke cigarettes while in jail?
(a) The jailors do not want second hand smoke.
(b) The jailors are afraid if he gets his hands on fire he'll make a bomb.
(c) Bernard doesn't want to smoke cigarettes.
(d) It is a non-smoking jail.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is arrested in Algeria and detained in prison because of A'ben Fizel's bribery?

2. What two things does Bernard do that does not get him on the Queen's good side?

3. What happens to King Max because of all his worry over Leigh-Cheri?

4. While on the boat in Chapter Forty-Four, what does Leigh-Cheri and Bernard see?

5. What happens to Chuck when Leigh-Cheri finally opens her window?

(see the answer keys)

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