Still Life with Woodpecker Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Still Life with Woodpecker Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter Thirty-Eight, what does Bernard say he stands for?
(a) Uncertainty, insecurity, surprise and disorder.
(b) Unlawfulness, bad taste and fun.
(c) All of the answers are correct..
(d) Things that go boom in the night.

2. What does the typewriter's intimidation cause the writer to consider?
(a) A fountain pen.
(b) The pen.
(c) A woodpecker quill.
(d) A pencil.

3. What is King Max arranging for when his daughter returns home?
(a) A marriage with a young man from their homeland.
(b) A meeting with an Arab named A'ben Fizel.
(c) A date with an Egyptian Prince.
(d) A party to celebrate her return.

4. What is the only serious question mentioned in Chapter Two?
(a) "Whether or not to kill yourself?"
(b) "Who knows how to grow blackberries?"
(c) "Whether or not to continue reading?"
(d) "Who knows how to make love stay?"

5. Why is the man conversing on the airplane in Chapter Twenty-One going to the Care Fest?
(a) He is going to lead a workshop on hydro-electric cars.
(b) He is going to teach meditation techniques.
(c) He is going to lecture on recycling.
(d) He is going to attend the conference.

6. What does the queen keep close to her bosom?
(a) Her money.
(b) Her Chihuahua.
(c) A ticket home.
(d) A pack of tissues.

7. Who also wants to participate in the Care Fest?
(a) The Medical Doctor's Association of Hawaii.
(b) Flying saucer groups.
(c) Ralph Nader's brother Darth.
(d) Darth Vader.

8. Where does Bernard suggest the world being a better place should start?
(a) With the Care-Fest.
(b) With Ralph Nader.
(c) With the yogi.
(d) With Leigh-Cheri and him.

9. What does Gulietta think about indoor plumbing?
(a) It is not the way God intended.
(b) It has not been perfected yet.
(c) It is restricting.
(d) It is the devil's device.

10. What does Bernard Mickey Wrangle eat while on the airplane?
(a) A Hostess Twinkie.
(b) A Tasty Cake.
(c) A banana.
(d) A donut.

11. What does the writer want to leave with his readers?
(a) The answer to where the gold ball is.
(b) A best-selling novel.
(c) One perfect sentence.
(d) The tip not to play golf in a thunder storm.

12. In the third "Interlude," what does the writer say his typewriter needs?
(a) A new ribbon.
(b) A verb job.
(c) A new paint job.
(d) A lube job.

13. Why is the Care Fest organized?
(a) To traffic ideas.
(b) To traffic objects.
(c) To show what old things work.
(d) To showcase new things.

14. What do the villagers do before the pilot eventually dies?
(a) They find him a wife.
(b) They take care of him.
(c) They give him money to return to America.
(d) They welcome him to their country.

15. Why doesn't the writer switch machines?
(a) He can't find another red typewriter.
(b) He can't find his warranty.
(c) He is too tired to go shopping.
(d) Nothing is open at that late hour.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Bernard Mickey Wrangle grin as the plane lands in Honolulu?

2. What was the name of Bernard's gang?

3. Who is running beside Leigh-Cheri and Gulietta as they hurry to catch their plane in Honolulu?

4. Who does Leigh-Cheri miss when she stays with Bernard in Chapter Thirty-Nine?

5. When does the novel take place?

(see the answer keys)

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