Still Life with Woodpecker Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Still Life with Woodpecker Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is the man conversing on the airplane in Chapter Twenty-One going to the Care Fest?
(a) He is going to lead a workshop on hydro-electric cars.
(b) He is going to lecture on recycling.
(c) He is going to teach meditation techniques.
(d) He is going to attend the conference.

2. What is the writer thinking about the Remington SL3 during the first "Interlude" in the novel?
(a) It's the best typewriter he ever owned.
(b) He's no longer convinced it will do.
(c) He thinks the typewriter may be smarter than him.
(d) It's the fastest typewriter made.

3. When does the novel take place?
(a) The last quarter of the twentieth century.
(b) The first quarter of the twentieth century.
(c) Sometime in the twentieth century.
(d) The first quarter of the twenty-first century.

4. What do the villagers hold in reverence?
(a) All life.
(b) Flyers.
(c) Death.
(d) Americans.

5. What does the queen keep close to her bosom?
(a) A ticket home.
(b) Her Chihuahua.
(c) Her money.
(d) A pack of tissues.

6. For what does the writer's insurance company insures his typing finger?
(a) Arthritis and burns.
(b) They do not insure it.
(c) Breaking and amputation.
(d) Fire and theft.

7. Why doesn't the writer switch machines?
(a) He can't find his warranty.
(b) He can't find another red typewriter.
(c) He is too tired to go shopping.
(d) Nothing is open at that late hour.

8. What surprises Leigh-Cheri when she sees Bernard again?
(a) His hair cut.
(b) His newly grown red beard.
(c) His red hair.
(d) He'd seen a dentist.

9. What was the name of Bernard's gang?
(a) The Bernard Mickey Wrangle Gang.
(b) The BMW Gang.
(c) The Bernard Mickey Mouse Club.
(d) The Woodpecker Gang.

10. What does the writer want to leave with his readers?
(a) One perfect sentence.
(b) The answer to where the gold ball is.
(c) A best-selling novel.
(d) The tip not to play golf in a thunder storm.

11. Why does Bernard Mickey Wrangle use an assumed name?
(a) He's a wanted criminal.
(b) He's a secret flyer.
(c) He's playing games with the flight attendents.
(d) He doesn't like his name.

12. What does Leigh-Cheri ask the frog in the beginning of Chapter Two?
(a) "Does the moon have a purpose?"
(b) "What purpose is a Remington SL3?"
(c) "How many stars are in the sky?"
(d) "Is the moon made of green cheese?"

13. While visiting him in his hideaway, what disclosure does Leigh-Cheri make to Bernard about how he makes her feel?
(a) Guilty about being a princess.
(b) Happy she lives in America.
(c) Good about being a princess.
(d) Bad about being a princess.

14. What do the villagers want to do after the pilot dies?
(a) They want to dedicate a statue to him.
(b) They want to return his body to America.
(c) They want to give him a traditional Christian burial.
(d) They want to cremate his body.

15. Who is running beside Leigh-Cheri and Gulietta as they hurry to catch their plane in Honolulu?
(a) Bernard Mickey Wrangle.
(b) Chuck.
(c) Boom Boom Firecracker.
(d) Crosby, Stills, and Nash.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why doesn't Leigh-Cherie like Sunday brunch?

2. What girlfriend/partner in crime turns Bernard in?

3. What does Gulietta think about indoor plumbing?

4. Who wins when Chuck and the King play poker?

5. What is the Queen's favorite American saying?

(see the answer keys)

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