Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers Test | Final Test - Easy

Mary Roach
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers Test | Final Test - Easy

Mary Roach
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Mary Roach describe the possibility of testing for consciousness in severed heads?
(a) Ghastly.
(b) Promising.
(c) Perverse.
(d) Fascinating.

2. What does Hugh Patterson of UCSF say about having arranged to donate his body to science?
(a) He will extend his contribution to humanity a little longer.
(b) He will get the most mileage out of his body.
(c) He will live in more people's memories.
(d) He will keep teaching in death.

3. What did Robert White have some success with?
(a) Transplanting monkey heads.
(b) Transplanting human heads.
(c) Transplanting dog hearts.
(d) Transplanting dog heads.

4. What fear did people have before modern science clarified brain death?
(a) Being used for scientific experimentation.
(b) Having limbs and organs removed.
(c) Being used in ballistics tests.
(d) Being buried alive.

5. What does Mary Roach say, in commenting on Frederick Zugibe's work, is the highest office?
(a) Spreading religion.
(b) Having faith.
(c) Spreading democracy.
(d) Relieving pain.

6. When did McDougal perform his experiments?
(a) 1826.
(b) 1907.
(c) 1980.
(d) 1850.

7. What did Dr. Barbet believe caused the formations he was interested in?
(a) The wound in Christ's side.
(b) The process of taking Christ down from the cross.
(c) The shroud being used for another purpose after Christ's crucifixion.
(d) Christ repositioning himself on the cross.

8. Which organs were NOT being harvested from H?
(a) Liver.
(b) Kidneys.
(c) Eyes.
(d) Heart.

9. What did Dr. Duncan McDougal try to measure?
(a) The weight of the soul.
(b) The moment when the soul leaves the body.
(c) The smell of the soul.
(d) The shape and color of the soul.

10. What is the result of water reduction?
(a) Sterile liquid.
(b) Shorter periods of bloat in decomposition.
(c) Tissue that does not decompose quickly.
(d) Preserved tissue.

11. What was the measure of death before brain death was understood?
(a) Absence of brain activity.
(b) Absence of a heartbeat.
(c) A coma that lasted more than six months.
(d) Absence of breathing.

12. Where does Mary Roach say medical school skeletons used to come from?
(a) China.
(b) Calcutta.
(c) Indiana.
(d) Mexico.

13. What did attempts to determine death typically entail, before modern science?
(a) Inflicting pain.
(b) Measuring brain activity.
(c) Detecting breathing.
(d) Detecting a heartbeat.

14. What did Frederick Zugibe test?
(a) The ability of the wrist or hand to support a person's weight.
(b) The stains a crucified person will make on a shroud.
(c) The ability of crucified people to move.
(d) The chemistry of the Shroud of Turin.

15. When does Mary Roach say patients were better off ignoring doctors' advice?
(a) When advised to eat their own flesh.
(b) When advised to eat excrement.
(c) When advised to be bled.
(d) When advised to use ancestors for medicines.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Barbet test his skepticism?

2. How did Barbet test his theory?

3. What did father Armaillhac want to prove about the Shroud of Turin?

4. What had American Philip Backman developed a technique for?

5. What is a mellified man?

(see the answer keys)

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