Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mary Roach
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mary Roach
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the army avoid telling families what they use cadavers for?
(a) Describe the research in general terms.
(b) Refuse to disclose anything.
(c) Deny any impropriety in advance.
(d) Prosecute anyone who discloses the nature of the research.

2. What is objectification, according to Mary Roach?
(a) A technique for keeping control during surgery.
(b) A coping mechanism.
(c) A way to keep from cracking up during a procedure.
(d) A means of seeing humanity even in the cadaver.

3. What distinguishes corpses in disasters caused by explosions?
(a) Fragmentation.
(b) Distribution.
(c) Burns.
(d) Postmortem decapitation.

4. What have medical schools done in the past decade, according to Mary Roach?
(a) Tried to develop techniques that allow more students to learn from each civilized.
(b) Tried to increase the rate of people donating their bodies to science.
(c) Tried to compensate families for donating deceased family members.
(d) Tried to instill respect for the dead in students.

5. Who is Hugh Patterson?
(a) A cadaver.
(b) A writer.
(c) The head of the willed body program of UCSF Medical School.
(d) A surgeon.

6. What does Mary Roach say is the least acceptable thing you can do with a cadaver?
(a) Blow it up.
(b) Lose it in the ocean.
(c) Drop it out of a plane.
(d) Shoot it.

7. What was Mary Roach touched by at the event at UCSF?
(a) A demonstration on a cadaver.
(b) A cadaver's family's satisfaction.
(c) A tribute to a cadaver.
(d) A cadaver's apparent patience.

8. What does Dennis Shanahan normally investigate?
(a) Injured people's claims.
(b) Side impacts.
(c) Airlines claims.
(d) Deceased's families' claims.

9. How were early anatomists supposed to dispose of human remains?
(a) By eating them.
(b) By feeding it to dogs.
(c) By selling them as meat.
(d) By burying them.

10. What does Rick Lowden study?
(a) The corrosion of bullets in human flesh.
(b) The ethics of using cadavers in tests.
(c) The legality of cadaver and animal tests.
(d) The effects of the temporary stretch cavity.

11. How will a person's wounds tell a different story, according to Mary Roach's reading on pathology?
(a) Depending on where they sat in a plane.
(b) Depending on how long it took for a ship to sink.
(c) Depending on whether a plane was bombed or simply crashed.
(d) Depending on whether the person was one of the first to be impacted in a crash.

12. Where did 18th-century British schools get their cadavers?
(a) Suicides.
(b) Disinterred dead people.
(c) Executed criminals.
(d) Dead soldiers.

13. What animals did investigators use to determine cause of death in the British Comet crashes?
(a) Apes.
(b) Guinea pigs.
(c) Human cadavers.
(d) Live human convicts.

14. Why is the British practice for avoiding consent impractical, according to Mary Roach?
(a) Because it speaks on the cadaver's behalf.
(b) Because it raises the cost through litigation from families.
(c) Because it relies on legal sophistries.
(d) Because some research requires whole bodies.

15. How does Mary Roach characterize the second stage of decay in a cadaver?
(a) Persistence of putrescent odor.
(b) Skin sloughing off, with maggots beneath the surface.
(c) Liquidation of internal organs.
(d) Bloat with large numbers of maggots.

Short Answer Questions

1. What evidence does Shanahan use to come to this conclusion?

2. What causes bloat in cadavers?

3. When was Captain Louis Le Garde ordered to use cadavers to test the 30-caliber Springfield rifle against the 45-caliber?

4. What has resulted from car safety studies with cadavers, according to Mary Roach?

5. What kind of resistance did DeMaio meet over using cadavers, according to Mary Roach?

(see the answer keys)

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