Steal This Book Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Steal This Book Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hoffman recommend as the best method of birth control?
(a) Foam.
(b) The pill.
(c) Abstinence.
(d) An IUD.

2. What percentage of a charity's funds go to fund the organization itself?
(a) 80%.
(b) 5%.
(c) 98%.
(d) 50%.

3. What type of suspension is preferable on a boxcar?
(a) Torsion beam.
(b) Pneumatic press.
(c) Thermo-coil.
(d) Hydro-cushion.

4. When making 'road hog crispies,' how long should the millet be boiled for?
(a) A half an hour.
(b) An hour.
(c) Forty-five minutes.
(d) Two or three hours.

5. On credit cards, what is the letter code for 1970?
(a) F.
(b) S.
(c) A.
(d) J.

6. What is still available in Amerika, 'despite what you may have heard?'
(a) Justice.
(b) Liberty.
(c) Equality.
(d) Land.

7. 'Eternal vigilance and constant mobility are the passwords of...'
(a) Laziness.
(b) Survival.
(c) Success.
(d) Escape.

8. Where can one obtain free, or 'dirt cheap,' blueprints and information?
(a) Libraries on housecleaning day.
(b) BPOs Inc.
(c) Record clubs.
(d) Government Printing Office.

9. According to Hoffman, what is the only reason you should be in college?
(a) To destroy it.
(b) To get an education.
(c) To get ahead in the rat race.
(d) To become a straight.

10. How many commercials is the average Amerikan exposed to every day?
(a) 800.
(b) 1,600.
(c) 2,000.
(d) 3,500.

11. What is the most effective foreign coin to use as a substitute for a quarter?
(a) Danish 5 Ore.
(b) Peruvian 20 Centavo.
(c) Uruguayan 10 Centismo.
(d) Icelandic 5 Auran.

12. According to Hoffman, what drugs should be avoided?
(a) All drugs.
(b) Cocaine and LSD.
(c) Marijuana and hash.
(d) Speed and heroin.

13. What are 'springing up all over the New Nation?'
(a) Free Armories.
(b) Free Universities.
(c) Free Shops.
(d) Free Hospitals.

14. What is it important to do before 'pulling a big rip off' at a grocery store?
(a) Case it.
(b) Box it.
(c) Bag it.
(d) Bottle it.

15. What can you sew onto a t-shirt to aid in stealing?
(a) An anarchy symbol.
(b) Psychedelic designs to draw attention away from your hands.
(c) A plastic bag.
(d) A health inspector's emblem.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much money did the hijacker ask for when he 'got greedy?'

2. What is the 'tar jungle?'

3. 'Seize the...'

4. What is the best source of information in a hip community?

5. What religion of people hold particularly good parties for stealing food from?

(see the answer keys)

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