Staying On Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Staying On Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What day of the week is Mr. Bhoolabhoy going to write the letter?
(a) Monday.
(b) Sunday.
(c) Tuesday.
(d) Saturday.

2. What does Mrs. Bhoolabhoy do in front of the servants during an argument with her husband?
(a) Yells at him.
(b) Fires him.
(c) Pushes him.
(d) Calls him a coward.

3. What is Lucy riding in as she leaves the churchyard?
(a) A taxi.
(b) A tonga.
(c) A horse.
(d) A car.

4. What has Lucy NOT told Tusker about?
(a) The photographs, Col. Layton and Mr. Turner.
(b) That Ibrahim is still working for them.
(c) That Bloxsaw needs to walk every day.
(d) How she feels about his attitude lately.

5. Who pays the mali?
(a) Mr. Bhoolabhoy.
(b) Father Sebastian.
(c) Ibriham.
(d) Tusker.

6. What kind of mood is Tusker in on his birthday?
(a) A bad mood.
(b) Quiet.
(c) He fired Ibrahim.
(d) A good mood.

7. When Susy and Father Sebastian arrive at church will lots of flowers, what were they doing earlier in the day?
(a) Having breakfast together.
(b) Visiting Lucy and Tusker.
(c) Looking in on Susy's mom.
(d) Susy is showing Father her shop.

8. After Tusker's death, who offers Lucy a home?
(a) The Shiraz management.
(b) Susy.
(c) Mr. Bhoolabhoy.
(d) Father Sebastian.

9. Who takes Tusker and Lucy home after the holiday party?
(a) Ibrahim.
(b) Mr. Bhoolabhoy.
(c) Mrs. Bhoolabhoy.
(d) Dr. Mitra.

10. Who is Father Sebastian staying with when he comes in on the weekends?
(a) Susy.
(b) Lucy and Tusker.
(c) Mr. Bhoolabhoy.
(d) Pastor Steven.

11. When Lucy is drinking alcohol, what does she drink?
(a) Beer.
(b) Bloody Marys.
(c) Gin.
(d) Vodka.

12. What kind of wedding did Lucy imagine with Tusker?
(a) A military wedding.
(b) Her father to marry them.
(c) A large church wedding.
(d) A small wedding.

13. After Lucy gets up from her four hour nap and dances the entire evening with her imaginary dance partner, what does she do?
(a) She stays up until Tusker gets home.
(b) She fixes dinner for herself.
(c) Sits on the veranda and re-reads Tusker's letter.
(d) She goes to see Mrs. Bhoolabhoy.

14. Who was Sir Perceval Large?
(a) Lucy's first husband.
(b) Lucy's uncle.
(c) Lucy's boss.
(d) Lucy's father.

15. After Tusker dies, Lucy is sitting on the loo and remembers that she must call someone. Who?
(a) Mrs. Bhoolabhoy.
(b) Sarah.
(c) Mrs. Layton.
(d) Mr. Turner.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Susy's mother do for a living?

2. When does Lucy think Tusker's personality changed?

3. When Mrs. Bhoolabhoy tries to renegotiate her contract with the hotel consortium, what happens?

4. Tusker was offered compensation to stay in India. What did he do with the money?

5. The morning of Lucy and Tusker's dinner with Father Sebastian, what is Lucy going to do?

(see the answer keys)

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