Staying On Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Staying On Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Susy initially say she will not work for Father Sebastian?
(a) Because he is black.
(b) He is not very bright.
(c) He wants to be called "Father."
(d) He only wants to preach every two months.

2. Why does Joseph want to go to England?
(a) To see a big city.
(b) To live with his sister.
(c) To work in the gardens.
(d) To see museums.

3. Why does Mr. Bhoolabhoy like to drink with Tusker? What does Tusker know?
(a) All the scandals.
(b) All about money.
(c) Military history.
(d) Bridge.

4. What religion does Joseph practice?
(a) Buddhism.
(b) Judaism.
(c) Christianity.
(d) Hinduism.

5. Why did Mrs. Bhoolabhoy fire the old mali?
(a) She thought he slept on the job.
(b) She thought he drank with Mr. Bhoolabhoy.
(c) She thought he was too noisy when he was working.
(d) She thought he was stealing produce and selling it.

6. What does Ibrahim clean in Lucy's room for her?
(a) Her clothes.
(b) Her records.
(c) Her mirrors.
(d) Her jewelry and shoes.

7. What does Susy Williams do at the church?
(a) Preaches.
(b) She is the church secretary.
(c) Plays the piano and arranges the flowers.
(d) Plays the organ.

8. Who did Mr. Bhoolabhoy call in Rampur to ask about Joseph?
(a) The city gardener in Rampur.
(b) The sisters who ran the Samaritan Hospital.
(c) The priest Joseph worked for.
(d) The journalist Joseph worked for.

9. Who is Mrs. Guy Perron?
(a) Sarah Layton.
(b) Mrs. Bhoolabhoy.
(c) Susan Layton.
(d) Minnie.

10. What work did Joseph do for the church?
(a) Arranged the flowers.
(b) Repaired the organ.
(c) Reads from the Bible during the service.
(d) Cleaned the graveyard.

11. What does Mrs. Bhoolabhoy call her husband?
(a) Spineless.
(b) Stupid.
(c) A pig.
(d) A fool.

12. What happened in 1947?
(a) All the English went back home.
(b) The club was built.
(c) England gave back India to govern themselves.
(d) The war between the Hindus and the Muslims.

13. How does Tusker treat the new mali?
(a) He treats him like a slave.
(b) He doesn't look or speak to him.
(c) He is very friendly.
(d) He yells at him for making noise.

14. What do Lucy and Tusker drink before they retire for the evening?
(a) Tea.
(b) Orange Juice.
(c) Hot cocoa.
(d) Coffee.

15. Why does Ibrahim go to Europe?
(a) To live with his mother.
(b) To deliver his sister and for the experience.
(c) To try the food.
(d) For the money.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mrs. Bhoolabhoy say she is buying into?

2. What does Ibrahim bring to the doctor to drink that he secretly hopes will make the doctor sick?

3. What happens to Ibraham the morning the letter is delivered?

4. Why is Tusker pleased when he sees Lucy talk to the new mali?

5. Who does Pastor Steven bring with him one Sunday morning?

(see the answer keys)

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