Stay True Test | Final Test - Medium

Hua Hsu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stay True Test | Final Test - Medium

Hua Hsu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What dinner at a diner did Hsu and his love interest sometimes eat?
(a) Burgers.
(b) Turkey club sandwiches.
(c) French fries and ice cream.
(d) Salad.

2. What song was particularly hard for Hsu to listen to following Ken's death?
(a) God Only Knows.
(b) With or Without You.
(c) Love Hurts.
(d) Heaven Can Tell.

3. Which of Hsu's frat brothers had called the police?
(a) Michael.
(b) Henry.
(c) Derrick.
(d) Richard.

4. Where did Anthony study for fall of junior year?
(a) Slovenia.
(b) Italy.
(c) Germany.
(d) Spain.

5. What record store did Ken and Hsu go to together early in Part III?
(a) Amoeba.
(b) The Highland.
(c) Farny.
(d) Wrenner.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Hsu write in his journal that it was weird to do without Ken?

2. Who did Hsu and Ken cast in Part III in their project?

3. Who was the lead singer of the Beach Boys?

4. Who worked with Ken at the same place?

5. Where did Hsu and Mira begin to tutor adults?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Hsu think of his mentee students?

2. What would Ken have found hilarious about his own funeral program?

3. Why does Hsu thinks he ends up giving Ken's eulogy?

4. Who is David Cash Jr.?

5. Who does Hsu confide in about his feelings about Ken's death during that summer?

6. How does Hsu's father often communicate big ideas to him?

7. What does Eddy give Hsu as a parting gift?

8. What do Ken and Hsu do when Hsu visits Ken at his family home?

9. How does Ken die?

10. What does friendship rest on the presumption of, according to Hsu?

(see the answer keys)

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