Stay True Test | Final Test - Easy

Hua Hsu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stay True Test | Final Test - Easy

Hua Hsu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who sang "I'll Be Missing You"?
(a) Mick Jagger.
(b) Fred Henry.
(c) U2.
(d) Puff Daddy and Faith Evans.

2. What did Ken ask Hsu to do the following day with him and a co-worker as Hsu left his party?
(a) Go to a concert.
(b) Help someone financially.
(c) Take someone dancing.
(d) Help someone move.

3. Who was the Berkeley student who witnessed his friend assaulting a child, who was later murdered by that friend?
(a) Sean Henry.
(b) Michael Lively.
(c) David Cash, Jr.
(d) Henry Liptor.

4. What did Hsu see a lot of in the week following Ken's death?
(a) Butterflies.
(b) Flies.
(c) Dogs.
(d) Birds.

5. What did it get harder for Hsu to do with his friends as time went on after Ken's death?
(a) Mourn together.
(b) Dance together.
(c) Study together.
(d) Eat together.

6. What game did Hsu play with his mentors?
(a) Softball.
(b) Tennis.
(c) Pickleball.
(d) Badminton.

7. Which of Hsu's frat brothers had called the police?
(a) Henry.
(b) Richard.
(c) Derrick.
(d) Michael.

8. Who was Hsu interested in romantically in Part III?
(a) Joie.
(b) Rachel.
(c) Helen.
(d) Mira.

9. What did Hsu feel as the summer before his senior year ended?
(a) Happiness.
(b) Relief.
(c) Suspicion.
(d) Fear.

10. What did writing offer to Hsu in the months after Ken's death?
(a) A way of focusing on a movie.
(b) A way of keeping the story straight.
(c) A way of living outside the present.
(d) A way of rewriting history.

11. Where did Hsu and Mira begin to tutor adults?
(a) San Quentin State Prison.
(b) Richards Highlands.
(c) Kendrick Barston.
(d) Marshall Community Center.

12. What did Hsu often write to Ken about?
(a) His ambitions.
(b) His problems with his parents.
(c) His goldfish.
(d) Everyday things he was missing.

13. What did Berkeley offer Ken's friends?
(a) Jobs.
(b) Glasses.
(c) Counseling.
(d) Poems.

14. Who was the college student killed in Laramie, Wyoming in a hate crime?
(a) Matthew Shepard.
(b) Daniel Gothar.
(c) Helington Robard.
(d) Sean Richards.

15. What song was particularly hard for Hsu to listen to following Ken's death?
(a) With or Without You.
(b) Heaven Can Tell.
(c) God Only Knows.
(d) Love Hurts.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Hsu and his friends go on a trip right before senior year started?

2. What dinner at a diner did Hsu and his love interest sometimes eat?

3. What baseball team was in the World Series that Ken loved?

4. What did one of Hsu's students bring in his car that made Hsu angry?

5. How did Hsu change his own appearance after Ken's death?

(see the answer keys)

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