State of Fear Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

State of Fear Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does George worry about?
(a) Crocodiles
(b) Spiders
(c) Snakes
(d) Leeches

2. What would global warming result in?
(a) A loss of everything humanity and nature holds dear
(b) A complete overturning of the present way of life
(c) A net benefit to the whole world
(d) A net loss to the world

3. Where did the weather man get his information for his report?
(a) Nick Drake
(b) His ELF contributors
(c) The NERF web site
(d) Nat Damon

4. Who was the first one to find Peter?
(a) Sarah
(b) Jennifer
(c) Janis
(d) Kenner

5. Who showed up with an invitation from George Morton?
(a) Professor Dilham
(b) Professor Norman Hoffman
(c) Professor Filman
(d) Professor Norman Hauffman

6. What did Sarah notice about Evans?
(a) She loved him
(b) His voice had lost some of its boyish hesitancy
(c) She wanted to marry him
(d) He was a great guy

7. Who is Jennifer Hayes?
(a) Kenner's niece
(b) Kenner's daughter
(c) Kenner's cousin
(d) Kenner's sister

8. What does increased lightning do?
(a) Increases the rainfall
(b) Increases the power of a storm
(c) Decreases the power of a storm
(d) Decreases the rainfall

9. What was attracting the lightning?
(a) The metal on their clothes
(b) Their radios
(c) The GPS system
(d) Their vehicle

10. What fear took the place of the fear of the Cold War?
(a) Fear of global warming
(b) Fear of each other
(c) Environmentalism
(d) Fear of the Asians

11. Which guy does Evans find?
(a) Bolden
(b) Sambuca
(c) Morton
(d) Henry

12. How long does the group have to get to high ground?
(a) Twenty four seconds
(b) Three minutes
(c) Thirty seconds
(d) Five minutes

13. What barks like a dog?
(a) The rebels
(b) Wolves
(c) Frogs
(d) Crocodiles

14. Where is Evans?
(a) Downtown San Francisco
(b) Downtown Santa Monica
(c) Downtown San Diego
(d) Downtown LA

15. What was Sarah thinking?
(a) Now is the time for prayer
(b) I'm going to die
(c) I love Peter Evans
(d) We're never going to make it

Short Answer Questions

1. How long had George been there?

2. How many slots for media coverage does Drake want?

3. What does Sarah mention that Kenner might not be good at?

4. What is Sarah bad at?

5. Where was the thing that the investigator wanted to give Evans?

(see the answer keys)

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