Startide Rising Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Startide Rising Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Toshio and Dennis plan to rendezvous?
(a) Streaker.
(b) A mess hall.
(c) The river bend.
(d) The wreck.

2. What disables the fleets converging on Tom's signal?
(a) Beie's power.
(b) The Tandu.
(c) A voice.
(d) Psychic noise.

3. What amuses Tom after he sends the message?
(a) Drawing the aliens away.
(b) Singing a song he wrote for Gillian.
(c) Drawing pictures of Gillian.
(d) Counting the stars.

4. Who had a negotiation plan with the Galactics?
(a) Gillian.
(b) Metz.
(c) Jim.
(d) Stenos.

5. Where did Keepiru learn to fight?
(a) Academy.
(b) Personal lessons with Creideiki.
(c) The Galactic.
(d) They are natural instincts.

6. What does Charles think will make him a legend?
(a) Stopping Jim.
(b) Defeating the Soro.
(c) Curing the Karrank%.
(d) Saving Tom.

7. Creidieki prefers to ______________ rather than to listen.
(a) Teach.
(b) Understand.
(c) Hear.
(d) Speak.

8. What also stops when Jim shuts down his weapons?
(a) Flight controls.
(b) Some air ducts.
(c) The engine.
(d) The power.

9. Who cares for Keepiru's wounds?
(a) Creideiki.
(b) Gillian.
(c) Toshio.
(d) Hikahi.

10. What does Charles hope to get for all of his experiments?
(a) Education.
(b) Fame.
(c) Isolation.
(d) Money.

11. Why does Hikahi refuse to surrender to the aliens?
(a) It will dishonor her brother.
(b) It would destroy her pride.
(c) She wants to find Tom.
(d) She knows what will happen.

12. Jim says altered dolphins are really _______________.
(a) Sycophants.
(b) Aliens.
(c) Monsters.
(d) Nuisances.

13. Who does Jim say should not have been let on to the crew?
(a) Creideiki.
(b) Toshio.
(c) Metz.
(d) Gillian.

14. What happens to the metal mound when the quaking starts?
(a) Nothing happens to it.
(b) It collapses.
(c) It melts.
(d) It expands.

15. How do the Karrank% show their anger?
(a) They cause earthquakes.
(b) They release deadly gasses.
(c) The make the earth hotter.
(d) They set off volcanoes.

Short Answer Questions

1. The old religion says cetaceans do not mind being killed by _______________.

2. What weapon does Keepiru use against Moki?

3. What does Toshio search the longboat for while waiting for Dennie?

4. What is Gillian trying to give Hikahi time to do?

5. How does Gillian learn about Karrank% legends?

(see the answer keys)

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