The Stars My Destination Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Stars My Destination Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of relationship do Dagenham and Jisbella have?
(a) They are conspirators.
(b) They are enemies.
(c) They are lovers.
(d) They are brother and sister.

2. Who does Foyle meet at Presteign's home that he had left for dead?
(a) Dolly Quaker.
(b) Jean Webster.
(c) Jisbella McQueen.
(d) Saul Dagenham.

3. How much does the Four Mile Circus cost?
(a) Forty thousand a week.
(b) Forty thousand a year.
(c) Forty thousand a day.
(d) Four thousand a day.

4. What does a surgeon of the Mars Commando Brigade do to Foyle?
(a) Gives him the ability to never need sleep.
(b) Permanantly removes the last vestiges of his tattoos.
(c) Makes him more machine than man.
(d) Gives him the ability to jaunt between planets.

5. How much does Fourmyle offer Robin to work for him?
(a) Five hundred a week.
(b) Ten thousand a year.
(c) Five thousand a month.
(d) One thousand a month.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Forrest, how many people were on board the Vorga?

2. Where is Bacteria, Inc., located?

3. How does Foyle bypass Kempsey's sympathetic block?

4. What game is to be played at the legal party given by Regis Sheffield?

5. Who does Foyle become in order to protect himself from the Jack-jaunters attacking him on Fifth Avenue?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the Cellar Christians and why they feel the need to conduct themselves in the fashion they do.

2. What is Foyle's relationship with Steve Forrest, and where does Foyle find Forrest?

3. What does Robin do regarding Foyle at the opening of Chapter 12, and what secret of hers is made known?

4. What does Foyle do after he finds Rodg Kempsey on the moon?

5. Who does Fourmyle see from the Gouffre Martel at Presteign's New Year's Eve party, and what is his response upon seeing this individual?

6. What is Olivia's response to the bombardment that takes place during the New Year's Eve party?

7. What do Robin and Foyle do after their appearance at a Shanghai party to further Foyle's quest?

8. Describe members of the Skoptsy Colony.

9. Describe a sympathetic block.

10. What proposition does Foyle make Robin after her suicide attempt, and what is her response?

(see the answer keys)

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