Stargirl Test | Final Test - Medium

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Stargirl Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Stargirl say to Leo at lunch in these chapters?
(a) Hi.
(b) Come with me.
(c) You're welcome.
(d) I love you.

2. How is Stargirl's room described by the author?
(a) Spacious and barren.
(b) Normal and ordinary.
(c) Different and charming.
(d) Cluttered and full.

3. What decision does Senor Saguaro indicate Leo has to make?
(a) Who he can ignore and who he cannot.
(b) Who he values more.
(c) Which people are true friends.
(d) How to teach other people about Stargirl.

4. How does Leo describe his relationship with Stargirl after her transformation?
(a) Relieving.
(b) Gloriously ordinary.
(c) Too mundane.
(d) Very odd and strange.

5. How is the student who asks Stargirl to dance described?
(a) Reclusive.
(b) Ordinary.
(c) Special.
(d) Stunning.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is a Moa?

2. What is one of the most disturbing facts about the social status for Stargirl at her school?

3. What does Stargirl do when there is a decision to make?

4. How does Stargirl respond when Leo tries to avoid him?

5. What makes the students in Mica bitter?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do the students of Mica High now feel about Stargirl and what did she give them?

2. What do Leo and Stargirl talk about on the walk home after school and how does Leo react?

3. What continues to seem odd to both Stargirl and Leo?

4. In what two ways does Stargirl show her reverence for the earth?

5. What special contest has Stargirl qualified for and how does Leo react?

6. Where does Stargirl show Leo that she finds out who may need a gift?

7. What does Leo find on the bulletin board when he looks?

8. What happens when Stargirl and Leo return to the high school?

9. In what way has Stargirl changed her appearance and her name?

10. What happens the Monday after Stargirl wins the speech contest and how does Dori react?

(see the answer keys)

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