Stargirl Test | Final Test - Medium

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Stargirl Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Stargirl respond when Leo tries to avoid him?
(a) She leaves him alone.
(b) She moves on to someone else.
(c) She does not give up on him.
(d) She avoids coming to school.

2. Where does Stargirl practice her speech?
(a) In front of an audience of cacti.
(b) In her bedroom in front of the mirror.
(c) In front of Leo and Kevin.
(d) On the Hot Seat.

3. Which character seems to be growing more and more paranoid?
(a) Hillari.
(b) Leo.
(c) Kevin.
(d) Stargirl.

4. What does Kevin say Stargirl is getting?
(a) Punished.
(b) A new school.
(c) The silent treatment.
(d) Shunned.

5. What decision does Senor Saguaro indicate Leo has to make?
(a) Who he can ignore and who he cannot.
(b) Which people are true friends.
(c) How to teach other people about Stargirl.
(d) Who he values more.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the girls tease Leo about?

2. Where are Stargirl and Leo when she shows him how she learns information from bulletin boards?

3. What does Kevin say about Stargirl and Leo?

4. What conversation between Stargirl and Leo goes on for several days?

5. Why does Archie ask Leo to drive him out into the desert?

Short Essay Questions

1. What special contest has Stargirl qualified for and how does Leo react?

2. What does Leo find on the bulletin board when he looks?

3. How does Stargirl arrive at the ball and how does she work?

4. What two unusual things does Stargirl show Leo that she has in her room?

5. Who is Mr. McShane and what is his role in the book?

6. What is the one thing that Leo and Stargirl never do?

7. Who does Leo talk to about the situation in school and what response is he given?

8. What does Leo ask Archie when he returns to visit fifteen years later and how does Archie respond?

9. What does Stargirl teach Leo how to do?

10. What analogy does Archie use to explain what is happening to Leo?

(see the answer keys)

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