Stardust Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stardust Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Dunstan pay for a glass flower?
(a) A kiss.
(b) A dollar.
(c) A night of passion.
(d) A handshake.

2. What is the name of the woman Dunstan is courting in Chapter 1?
(a) Dahlia.
(b) Dana.
(c) Daisy.
(d) Dolly.

3. What oath does the slave girl's captor demand from the Lilim?
(a) That she will not harm her.
(b) That she will pay her well.
(c) That they will tell the truth.
(d) That they will show the correct path.

4. How did Charmed meet Dunstan?
(a) He went to his wedding.
(b) He offered him a wish.
(c) He slept in his barn.
(d) They worked together.

5. What does Dunstan remind the man from London of when they meet at the fair?
(a) That he hadn't paid for his room.
(b) That he was wearing his hat in doors.
(c) That he was promised his heart's desire.
(d) That his horse was still tied at the inn.

6. What does Septimus see when he goes to the window in the 81st Lord's room?
(a) The kingdom.
(b) A star.
(c) Strange clouds.
(d) City lights.

7. What is the name of the girl Tristran has a crush on?
(a) Victoria.
(b) Violet.
(c) Virginia.
(d) Veronica.

8. What speeds up travel for Tristran and the star?
(a) Tristran buys a small wagon.
(b) The star rides the unicorn.
(c) Tristran carries the star.
(d) The star heals her leg.

9. How does Dunstan feel when Tristran says he is leaving his home?
(a) Amused.
(b) Agitated.
(c) Expectant.
(d) Happy.

10. What is the only way to leave serewood?
(a) By taking a candle.
(b) By following a map.
(c) By solving riddles.
(d) By finding the path.

11. What does Tristran see fighting a unicorn?
(a) A tiger.
(b) A wolf.
(c) A lion.
(d) A bear.

12. Where can the Lilim's young faces be seen?
(a) In the mirror.
(b) In her eyes.
(c) In portraits in the hall.
(d) In a locket.

13. Who sleeps with Letitia at the inn?
(a) Primus.
(b) Tertius.
(c) Septimus.
(d) Quadrus.

14. How did the 81st Lord of Stormhold become the Lord?
(a) He passed a test.
(b) He killed his brothers.
(c) He married the princess.
(d) He saved the kingdom.

15. Where does the man from London stay during the fair?
(a) Dunstan's cottage.
(b) Dana's barn.
(c) The woods.
(d) The inn.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the Lilim?

2. How old is Tristran when the first fair of his life comes around?

3. Who arranges Tertius's death?

4. Why is the star wearing the topaz?

5. What is pinned to the baby pushed through the wall in winter?

(see the answer keys)

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