Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jason Reynolds
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jason Reynolds
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Thomas Jefferson build his first plantation?
(a) Boston, Massachusetts.
(b) Ann Arbor, Michigan.
(c) Charlottesville, Virginia.
(d) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

2. Where did Cotton Mather attend college?
(a) Harvard University.
(b) Virginia Tech.
(c) University of Pennsylvania.
(d) University of Michigan.

3. Who do Reynolds and Kendi claim was the world's first racist?
(a) Aristotle.
(b) Wilhelm Winkle.
(c) Adolf Hitler.
(d) Gomes Eanes de Zurara.

4. Which of the following books did Thomas Jefferson write?
(a) Handbook for Future Revolutionaries.
(b) The Real History of Paul Revere's Ride.
(c) Independence Days.
(d) Notes on the State of Virginia.

5. Which country became the Eastern Hemisphere's symbol of freedom following a slave rebellion there in the late 1700s?
(a) Brazil.
(b) Haiti.
(c) America.
(d) England.

6. Which territory did Thomas Jefferson purchase from the French early in his presidency?
(a) The New England Territory.
(b) The Western Territory.
(c) The Glacier Territory.
(d) The Louisiana Territory.

7. What do assimilationists think about combatting racism?
(a) They think Black people need to transform themselves to become more like White people.
(b) They need to transform people's views of racism through pop culture.
(c) The need to change people's minds through religion.
(d) They think Black people need to read more White authors.

8. Who bought some of the first slaves to come to America from Africa?
(a) Virginia Governor George Yeardley.
(b) Cotton Mather.
(c) Marshall Wellins.
(d) John Adams.

9. What group was William Lloyd Garrison instrumental in creating in the end of Chapter 11?
(a) The PABT.
(b) The American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS).
(c) The NAACP.
(d) The SNCC.

10. What did writer John Locke believe about Blacks?
(a) They had better physical health than Whites.
(b) They were better musicians than whites.
(c) They were more violent than Whites.
(d) They had less agile and developed minds than Whites.

11. What happened with the question of admitting Missouri as a state in the U.S. in the early 1800s?
(a) Missouri was admitted to the U.S. as a slave state in the North, or Union.
(b) Missouri was not admitted to the U.S. as a state at all in the early 1800s.
(c) Missouri was admitted to the South as a slave state in the early 1800s.
(d) Missouri was admitted to the South as a free state in the early 1800s.

12. What difficulty did Cotton Mather have?
(a) A stutter.
(b) A limp.
(c) A disfigured face.
(d) Blindness.

13. Which Spanish ship carrying slaves was hijacked in 1619?
(a) The Santiago de Caligula.
(b) The Santa Maria Domingo.
(c) The Mariachi Marina.
(d) The San Juan Bautista.

14. Why were White Privileges created?
(a) To help create the stock market.
(b) To keep poor Whites and Blacks from uniting and turning against the Whites in power.
(c) To help poor Whites and rich Whites have a more equal level of opportunity.
(d) To help commerce grow in the new world.

15. Where did Jefferson move in 1884?
(a) Paris.
(b) London.
(c) Berlin.
(d) Rome.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the Three-Fifths Compromise state?

2. Which of the following famous lines did Thomas Jefferson pen in the Declaration of Independence?

3. Which other former president died on the same day as Thomas Jefferson?

4. What was the book that the world's first racist wrote titled, according to Reynolds and Kendi?

5. The year Thomas Jefferson died, about how much debt did he have?

(see the answer keys)

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