Stalking the Angel Test | Final Test - Medium

Robert Crais
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stalking the Angel Test | Final Test - Medium

Robert Crais
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Besides losing track of Mimi for a second time, what is Cole feeling guilty about?
(a) Having something to do with her killing her father.
(b) Not being around often enough for his cat.
(c) Forgetting to fill his partner in on what has happened.
(d) Not being able to save Bradley's life.

2. What recurring dream does Cole have as he and Pike wait for Eddie Tang to come home?
(a) He is a child again.
(b) He prevents Mimi from killing Bradley.
(c) He murders Eddie Tang.
(d) He is out to dinner with Mimi.

3. What lights up Mulholland Drive as Cole tails Eddie Tang in Chapter Twenty-Three?
(a) The moon.
(b) Street lamps.
(c) Nothing; it is pitch-black.
(d) Other cars' headlights.

4. What does Cole do for Traci Louise Fishman before he leaves her car and drives off in his Corvette?
(a) He gives her ten dollars.
(b) He hugs her warmly.
(c) He kisses her.
(d) He promises her a bright future.

5. What does Sheila do once she hears the truth about what Bradley has done to her daughter?
(a) She flees the room.
(b) She cries silently.
(c) She calls Cole names.
(d) She hits Bradley.

Short Answer Questions

1. Pike has a plan for how he and Cole can sneak up on the lake house where Mimi is being held. What joke does Pike make when telling Cole the plan?

2. How does Cole find out what Traci Louise Fishman looks like?

3. Which company employs Eddie Ditko?

4. In Chapter Twenty-Four, Cole tells Mimi that he must speak to her. What does Mimi first tell him?

5. How does Cole describe the act of waiting in Chapter Thirty-Two?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Cole come to the realization that Mimi Warren has not been kidnapped?

2. What does Cole discover about Mimi when he finds her in the lake house that is a surprise?

3. How does Joe Pike try to ease Cole's guilt over losing Mimi for the second time?

4. When Cole tells Bradley to tell Sheila about Mimi in Chapter Twenty-Eight, what is Sheila's reaction, before Bradley or Cole say another word?

5. What does Eddie Tang do to make it obvious that he will do anything to protect Mimi?

6. In what ways is Kira Asano's residence depicted as being a home that is no longer grand?

7. While speaking with Traci Louise Fishman in her Volkswagen Rabbit, what does Cole learn about Mimi Warren that makes Traci sob and gag?

8. What does Cole discover when he takes a look at Traci Louis Fishman's photo in the school yearbook?

9. What is insinuated in Chapter Thirty when Detective Griggs and Lou Poitras wonder why Mimi killed her father and Griggs says, "Maybe she just had to"?

10. While Cole and Pike discuss the little bit of light left before they can pounce on the lake house and save Mimi, what are Cole's reasons for not calling the cops?

(see the answer keys)

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