Stalking the Angel Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Crais
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stalking the Angel Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Crais
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is waiting for Eddie Tang in front of the Pago Pago Club?
(a) Yuki Torobuni.
(b) Elvis Cole.
(c) Lou Poitras.
(d) Mimi Warren.

2. What does Cole learn about Mimi in Chapter Twenty-One that gives Cole a cold feeling?
(a) She has tatoos from her elbows down to her knees.
(b) She has multiple piercings on her belly button.
(c) She has shaved her head.
(d) She puts out lit cigarettes on her belly.

3. Where is Mimi being held on the Torobuni property by the lake?
(a) On the lake.
(b) In the main house.
(c) In the boat house.
(d) In the carriage house.

4. Why does Pike believe Eddie Tang killed Ishida?
(a) He was jealous.
(b) For Mimi's sake.
(c) To keep the Hagakure.
(d) To go further up in the yakuza.

5. What does the man who rents Cole and Pike a boat at Arrowhead Village tell them to watch out for while on the water?
(a) Kids in ski boats.
(b) The changing weather.
(c) Sharks.
(d) Surfers.

6. What does Mimi do when she meets with her father, alone?
(a) She stabs him with a kitchen knife.
(b) She shoots him.
(c) She strangles him.
(d) She throws him off a cliff.

7. What does Mimi Warren do when Cole finally discovers her in a locked bedroom in the lake house?
(a) Cries.
(b) Screams.
(c) Yells obscenities.
(d) Falls to the floor.

8. What does Mimi say to Cole that makes him wonder if she had ever been molested by her father at all?
(a) I do not need help; I am fine.
(b) My father was a good man.
(c) Nothing was ever done to me.
(d) I'm such a liar.

9. What does Cole do to show Bradley that he is very serious about the Warrens going into therapy with Carol Hillegas?
(a) He dials 911 and waits.
(b) He points a knife at Bradley's throat.
(c) He holds a gun to Sheila's head.
(d) He holds a gun to Bradley's forehead.

10. Why does Cole come to the conclusion that Mimi is not being held against her will in Chapter Twenty-Three, as he views her through the window of a private home?
(a) She is freely drinking scotch.
(b) There are no cries for help.
(c) She is kissing a boy.
(d) She is holding someone else prisoner.

11. How does Cole break into the Torobuni lake house?
(a) Through a dog flap.
(b) He jimmies the front door.
(c) Through a window.
(d) Down the chimney.

12. Why does Pike end up killing Tang?
(a) Tang runs at him, kicking threatening power moves.
(b) Tang is in pain, and Pike wants to end it for him.
(c) Mimi is shot and possibly dead.
(d) The police will soon take away Pike's glory.

13. When a blond detective annoyingly questions Cole about Mimi's killing of her father, what does he ask Cole?
(a) In what direction Mimi ran.
(b) How he allowed Bradley to be murdered.
(c) Why he couldn't revive Bradley.
(d) Why he couldn't stop her from leaving the scene.

14. Whom does Cole call in Chapter Thirty-One to tell that he had found Mimi and then lost her?
(a) Joe Pike.
(b) Jillian Becker.
(c) Carol Hillegas.
(d) Lou Poitras.

15. Who is parked outside of Eddie Tang's building in a stripped-down Dodge sedan?
(a) Yuki Torobuni's men.
(b) Lou Poitras.
(c) Elvis Cole.
(d) Two undercover cops.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Cole discover about Mimi's relationship with her father?

2. What does Cole do to the manager of Mr. Moto's when he gets there with Joe Pike in Chapter Thirty-Two?

3. What is at the bottom of the fruit trees on Kira Asana's property?

4. What does Pike have with him in the duffle bag he brings on the boat with Cole?

5. What is the title of the organization Kira Asano runs?

(see the answer keys)

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