St. Anselm: Basic Writings Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

St. Anselm
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

St. Anselm: Basic Writings Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

St. Anselm
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Monologium, Chapters VII - XXVIII.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Anselm begins the Proslogium in the preface by stating his dissatisfaction with _______________ and his rationale for writing the Proslogium.
(a) The Proslogium.
(b) The Monologium.
(c) The Duologium.
(d) The Triologium.

2. Should the believer, once God has rescued him, question his belief?
(a) Yes.
(b) Sometimes.
(c) Often.
(d) No.

3. God's compassion and justice are compatible because through __________________, God will make the wicked good and thus worthy of forgiveness.
(a) Prayer.
(b) Death.
(c) The Eucarist.
(d) Atonement.

4. Anselm knows what he believes, but he also wants to know what?
(a) Whether he should believe it.
(b) Why it is true.
(c) What he does not believe.
(d) Why he believes it.

5. God has no ___________________.
(a) Beginning.
(b) Beginning or end.
(c) End.
(d) Feelings.

Short Answer Questions

1. Will anything exist before or after Him?

2. We cannot even do what without His help?

3. Anselm's arguments will be consistent with what?

4. What is the only absolutely true thing that can be said of God?

5. All beings others than God exist through whom?

(see the answer key)

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