Squeeze Me Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Squeeze Me Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the lead Secret Service agent on Mockingbird's detail?
(a) Merchant.
(b) Strathman.
(c) Ryskamp.
(d) Rose.

2. What was Kiki Pew Fitzsimmons said to have died from in her autopsy report?
(a) Asphyxiation.
(b) Stab wounds.
(c) Blunt force trauma.
(d) Heart attack.

3. What kind of mask does the arsonist Teabull hires wear when he tries to torch Angie's truck?
(a) A Richard Nixon mask.
(b) A Scream mask.
(c) A Mitch McConnell mask.
(d) A clown mask.

4. What does Angie say in order to get in to visit Diego in detention?
(a) She is his sister.
(b) She is his girlfriend.
(c) She is a police chief.
(d) She is a paralegal.

5. What does one of Mastodon's mistresses from the West Coast demand for her silence every time she flies into D.C.?
(a) $100,000.
(b) Secret Service protection.
(c) A fireworks display.
(d) A new car.

6. Who does Joel tell Angie has been calling him lately in Chapter Seventeen?
(a) Pruitt.
(b) Crosby.
(c) Ryskamp.
(d) Tuille.

7. Who tests the tanning bed for Mastodon as his body double?
(a) The Knob.
(b) Chase Cornbright.
(c) Sy Clearing.
(d) Spalding.

8. What is the theme of the Commander's Ball in Chapter Nineteen?
(a) Compassionate Conservatism.
(b) Patriotism.
(c) Strength and Might.
(d) Big Unimpeachable You.

9. Where is Kiki Pew Fitzsimmons buried?
(a) A Maine beach.
(b) Rhode Island.
(c) Connecticut.
(d) Her Cape Cod estate.

10. Who is writing a tell-all book about the President that Ryskamp speaks to in Chapter Twenty-One?
(a) Spalding.
(b) Christian.
(c) Suzi Spooner.
(d) Mockingbird.

11. What word does Angie use to describe the influx of pythons in Florida in Chapter Eighteen?
(a) An unleashing.
(b) A slither.
(c) A plague.
(d) A camp.

12. What is Clinton Tyree attempting to incubate in his eye socket in Chapter Twenty-two?
(a) A snake egg.
(b) An iguana egg.
(c) A fish egg.
(d) A bird egg.

13. Why does Mockingbird get angry with Agent Josephson in Chapter Twenty-four?
(a) He tells her he is quitting his job to become a police chief.
(b) She is jealous of his burgeoning relationship with Agent Rose.
(c) She thinks he is going to write a tell-all book about her.
(d) He tries to blackmail her.

14. Who disappears from his boat on March 13th?
(a) Clyde Riptoad.
(b) Chase Cornbright.
(c) Ajax "Hammerhead" Huppler.
(d) Marjella Hipster.

15. Who is Mastodon supposed to sing a duet with at the Commander's Ball?
(a) Trisha Molnar.
(b) Lenore Hall.
(c) Roseanne Barr.
(d) Bette Davis.

Short Answer Questions

1. What drug does the hermit in the swamp take to cope?

2. What kind of sizeable collection does the man in the swamp have?

3. Who insinuates to Mockingbird that she knows about Mockingbird's affair?

4. What does Clinton Tyree feed Angie in Chapter Twenty-two?

5. Who does Tyree say he wants to try to scare out of Florida with his snakes?

(see the answer keys)

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