Squeeze Me Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Squeeze Me Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of exercise does Angie's ex-husband's new partner engage in?
(a) Swimming.
(b) Yoga.
(c) Tennis.
(d) Extreme running.

2. Where were Kiki Pew Fitzsimmons's remains found?
(a) At her own home.
(b) In the bottom of a lake.
(c) Encased in concrete at a constructoin site.
(d) Buried in a shallow grave at Lipid House.

3. When does Angie realize the lump in the python's stomach was a person?
(a) After hearing from Uric about his disposal of the body.
(b) After seeing the news story about Kiki Pew Fitzsimmons's disappearance from Lipid House.
(c) After Jerry Crosby tells her his suspicions.
(d) After she overhears Tripp Teabull talking about it.

4. Where was Diego processed when ICE agents picked him up?
(a) Framingham Detention Center.
(b) Marshall Detention Center.
(c) Broward Transitional Center.
(d) Harlington Medical Center.

5. What does Angie hears has happened at her storage unit?
(a) It has been destroyed by a hurricane.
(b) It has been robbed.
(c) It has been set on fire.
(d) It has been seized by the authorities.

6. What is the name of a group of women who support the President of the United States in Palm Springs, Florida?
(a) The Wealthy Wags.
(b) The Morrisons.
(c) The Potussies.
(d) The Super Fans.

7. Why does Angie go to Germaine Bracco's house?
(a) He is her ex-brother-in-law and she is checking in on him.
(b) She wants to ask if he will become her business partner.
(c) She thinks he can help her secure a loan.
(d) She thinks he can help her find her brother, who she knows is one of the people who burgled her house.

8. What is the name of the President's resort in Florida?
(a) Mastodon House.
(b) Casa Bellicosa.
(c) Key Mantina.
(d) Casa Largo.

9. Whose car did Uric and Prince Paladin steal?
(a) Filomena Ricci's.
(b) Talcie Fortson's.
(c) Portia Render's.
(d) Randall Espen's.

10. What was in the stomach of the python Angie kills and puts in her storage unit?
(a) A raccoon.
(b) A wineglass.
(c) A radio.
(d) Kiki Pew Fitzsimmons.

11. What does Prince Paladin steal from Kiki's body?
(a) An emerald necklace.
(b) A pocket knife.
(c) A diamond ring.
(d) Diamond earrings and an expensive necklace.

12. Who is the pawnbroker in Chapter Six?
(a) Crypto.
(b) Horatio.
(c) Marksmil.
(d) Giardia.

13. What significant information about the investigation surrounding Kiki Pew does Crosby give Mrs. Riptoad in Chapter Eight?
(a) What the murder weapon was.
(b) The name of suspect Diego Beltran.
(c) The size of the snake involved.
(d) The location of where Kiki's body was found.

14. What is Agent Keith Josephson's real name?
(a) Smilin Rohan.
(b) Ahmet Youssef.
(c) Devi Rico.
(d) Roberto Alger.

15. Where does Ryskamp tell Angie he went to college?
(a) Yale.
(b) Stanford.
(c) Harvard.
(d) Georgetown.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do the burglars go together in Chapter Five?

2. Who are Kiki Fitzsimmons's sons?

3. What happens to Angie's apartment in Chapter Three?

4. Where did the Burmese pythons first take hold in Florida?

5. What does Diego pick up from the railroad tracks?

(see the answer keys)

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