The Square Root of Wonderful Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Square Root of Wonderful Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what kind of state is Philip when he recalls his boyhood?
(a) Tense
(b) Depressed
(c) Happy
(d) Dream-like

2. When Philip was younger, how long did he think love and joy would last?
(a) Forever
(b) Until manhood
(c) As long as he wanted it to
(d) He didn't know

3. What does Mother Lovejoy claim the taxi cab driver will do that will be disturbing to Mollie and is the reason why they should chose another mode of transportation?
(a) Drive too fast
(b) Talk too much
(c) Charge too much money
(d) Drive too slow

4. How does Mollie react when she learns what her ex-husband had intended to do just hours before his death?
(a) She is in shock
(b) She is angered
(c) She is confused
(d) She is horror-stricken

5. Who is the only one that can reach Philip?
(a) Mollie
(b) No one can reach him
(c) Sister
(d) Mother Lovejoy

6. What does Philip say to Paris regarding his feelings towards his relationship with Mollie?
(a) He wants to marry her
(b) He wants the family to grow
(c) He knows Mollie is too scared to leave him
(d) He cannot live without her

7. What plans has Paris made for the day that, in addition to other feelings, keeps him from wanting to leave?
(a) He plans to play with his school friend
(b) He plans to go fishing
(c) He plans to help John with the house
(d) He plans to go hiking

8. What does Paris confess and confirm that Philip wanted to do with Paris the morning he left?
(a) Take Paris with him
(b) Leave alone
(c) Take Mollie with him
(d) Plot against John

9. What is Philip's emotional state during the third act?
(a) A state of rage
(b) A state of freedom
(c) A state of despair
(d) A state of depression

10. What does Mother Lovejoy offer both Mollie and Paris should they ever need it?
(a) A car
(b) An education
(c) Money
(d) A home

11. What has Mollie done in the middle of the night?
(a) Mollie has packed her things
(b) Mollie has left alone
(c) Mollie has escaped with John
(d) Mollie has left Philip

12. What does the covered furniture symbolize?
(a) The future
(b) The need to move on
(c) The ghosts of the past
(d) Philip's death

13. Who serves as the main voice of reason for Mollie during her grief?
(a) John
(b) Sister
(c) Paris
(d) Mother Lovejoy

14. What was Mollie thinking at the moment of Philip's death that, because of their strong connection, she knows Philip knew about?
(a) Paris
(b) The choice of her future husband
(c) John
(d) Her love for Philip

15. What is the main realiziation that Philip has that pushes him over the edge?
(a) Mollie intends to leave him
(b) His writing career is doomed
(c) His mother no longer supports him
(d) John is not going away

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Philip incapable of thinking?

2. What is literary device is employed in Paris's statement that his father does not look well?

3. What essentially trigger's Paris to decline his father's offer to leave together?

4. Where is Philip by the time Mollie rises?

5. What is Paris's explanation of his father's death?

(see the answer keys)

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