The Square Root of Wonderful Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Square Root of Wonderful Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Philip believe his artistic brilliance to be?
(a) A gift
(b) A curse
(c) Inadequate
(d) A random occurance

2. What gift does Philip give Paris for his forgotten birthday?
(a) A hand carved toy box
(b) A hand carved statue
(c) A hand carved chest
(d) A hand carved chess set

3. What does Philip want more than anything else after he returns from the sanatorium?
(a) To feel and live again
(b) To re-marry Mollie
(c) To have more children
(d) To further develop the farm

4. What is the name of Paris's friend from school?
(a) Hattie
(b) Madeline
(c) Harry
(d) Mattie

5. What does Philip want to be in terms of a career?
(a) A politician
(b) A successful writer
(c) A successful actor
(d) A poet

6. What kind of institution do we learn Philip is being released from in the beginning of the play?
(a) The military
(b) The sanatorium
(c) Prison
(d) The hospital

7. How does Molly respond to John's desire to commit to her?
(a) She tells him yes
(b) She tells him directly no
(c) She tells him maybe
(d) She tells him to sleep on it

8. What is the best description for the relationship between Mollie and Philip?
(a) Volatile
(b) Loving
(c) Strong
(d) Happy

9. Where did Mollie meet her new love?
(a) On the side of the road
(b) Through mutual friends
(c) At church
(d) At a local bar

10. Who is aghast that John could love Mollie after such a short time?
(a) Philip
(b) Sister
(c) Paris
(d) Mother Lovejoy

11. What does the character of John represent to Mollie and Paris in terms of their future?
(a) He is a positive role model
(b) He is a source of pride
(c) He is a beacon of hope
(d) He is a sensitive and caring friend

12. According to John, what is humiliation the same as?
(a) Theft
(b) Murder
(c) Evil
(d) Hatred

13. Where are Mother Lovejoy and Sister staying in anticipation of Philip's homecoming?
(a) John Tucker's house
(b) Sister's house
(c) Mollie's house
(d) Mother Lovejoy's house

14. What quality does Philip display as equally as his madness?
(a) His sensitivity
(b) His genius
(c) His kindness
(d) His compassion

15. What does Mollie tell Philip she intends to do that will affect her relationship with him?
(a) Leave with John
(b) Leave with Philip
(c) Marry Philip
(d) Marry John

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Paris's school friend immediately do when Philip comes into the room to speak to Paris?

2. Who does Philip turn to automatically when his psyche is challenged and he needs reprieve?

3. What is John trying to find out about Mollie?

4. What are the rumors in town regarding Philip?

5. What does Philip swear is the only thing that will satisfy him and cause him to regain his mental health?

(see the answer keys)

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