The Spy Who Came in from the Cold Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Karden accuse Leamas of during Mundt's trial?
(a) Of seeking refuge with the East Germans when he's really a British fugitive.
(b) Of being a double agent and setting up false evidence against Mundt.
(c) Of robbing Fiedler when he wasn't paying attention.
(d) Of stealing money from the British government and not sharing it.

2. How is Liz transported to the "special meeting" she is told she needs to attend?
(a) By helicopter.
(b) By bus.
(c) By a very long train ride.
(d) In a military style car.

3. What is the Praesidium?
(a) The ruling council of East Germany.
(b) The secret tunnel system Leamas uses to escape.
(c) The prison where Leamas is being kept.
(d) A torture method Mundt uses on Leamas.

4. What is the Fennan case?
(a) Leamas' first case.
(b) The case Leamas is working on in the book.
(c) An important assassination.
(d) A famous bank robber case.

5. What is Liz's initial reaction to the letter she receives?
(a) Trusting and open.
(b) Skeptical but intrigued.
(c) Frightened and fearful.
(d) Excited and eager.

Short Answer Questions

1. Toward the end of the novel, what does Liz believe about Fiedler?

2. What character surprisingly appears during Mundt's trial?

3. The last thing Leamas remembers about his first interrogation with Mundt is:

4. As Liz and Leamas are fleeing East Germany, Leamas explains what happened to Liz. What does he say his real mission was?

5. What is the official name of Mundt's trial?

Short Essay Questions

1. After Mundt's trial ends, who does Liz believe to be "right" and "good" in the situation?

2. Explain Liz's interest in the Communist party and how this influences her reaction to their invitation.

3. What problem does Liz pose for Leamas when she enters the courtroom during Mundt's trial?

4. During the Tribunal, and in response to Fiedler's questioning, what does Leamas say about Mundt being a secret agent?

5. What triggers Leamas' realization about Mundt?

6. Is Leamas' treatment at the hands of Mundt surprising? Why or why not?

7. What makes Leamas trust Fiedler even more after they both have been interrogated?

8. How might the tone at the beginning of Chapter 21 be described? How might the tone at the end of Chapter 21 be described?

9. What does Mundt want to know about George Smiley while Mundt is interrogating Leamas?

10. At the end of Chapter 20, how is Leamas feeling about his mission?

(see the answer keys)

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