The Spy Who Came in from the Cold Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who comes to the German border first in chapter 1?
(a) They never come to the border.
(b) They come at the same time.
(c) Karl.
(d) Elvira.

2. What was the purpose of the secret mission Leamas reveals to Peters while being interrogated at the Hague?
(a) Leamas would take cash to Scandinavian countries for secret agents.
(b) Leamas coordinated secret flights for politicians on vacation.
(c) Leamas traveled with a rock band to gather information on their drug use.
(d) Leamas smuggled guns into London.

3. What is the name of the hotel that Leamas stays in in Holland?
(a) A dirty, no-name hotel.
(b) The Ritz Carlton.
(c) The Eiffel Tower Hotel & Spa.
(d) Le Mirage.

4. While talking to Peters in the Hague, Leamas tells Peters of a top-secret operation. What was its code name?
(a) Scandinavian Eyes.
(b) Operation Eiffel Tower.
(c) Operation Moss.
(d) Rolling Stone.

5. After Elvira crosses the German border, what does Leamas give her?
(a) Keys to his own house.
(b) Keys to a safe apartment.
(c) Keys to a new car.
(d) Top secret documents.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Liz Gold?

2. What do others call Leamas in respect to his relationship with alcohol after he quits working for British intelligence?

3. What is Leamas' financial situation after leaving British intelligence?

4. While Leamas is in prison, who comes to visit Liz?

5. How does the relationship between Liz and Leamas change after they've known each other for a little while?

Short Essay Questions

1. What can the reader conclude about Leamas' mission when George Smiley goes to visit Liz?

2. Does Leamas' personal life seem in conflict or in line with his professional life? Why?

3. Leamas sees something when he leaves Liz's apartment after spending the night for the first time. What does it tell Leamas?

4. What does Leamas' political philosophy (or lack thereof) symbolize?

5. What do Leamas' interactions with other people in Chapter 2 tell the reader about his character?

6. How much information does Leamas give Liz about his profession?

7. What helps Leamas the most in his creation of a public persona in Chapter 3? How does it help him?

8. What reaction does Liz have to George Smiley's visit?

9. Why does Leamas refuse to believe that there could have been a spy in East Germany that he didn't know about?

10. In Chapter 3, is Leamas the spy the same person as Leamas the public man? Why or why not?

(see the answer keys)

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